March 2023 Agenda
Great Hale Parish Council
Parish Council Meeting
Monday, 6th March 2023, Commencing at 7.00pm
The Parish Council Meeting will be at Hale Magna Village Hall on Monday, 6th March 2023 commencing at 7.00pm. The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed on the agenda.
There will be a 15 minute public forum between 7.00pm and 7.15pm where members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council.
Tracy Cooke (Clerk to the Parish Council)
Dated: Tuesday 28th February 2023
- Chairman’s remarks
(2) To receive apologies and resolve to accept reasons given
(3) Notes of the meeting held Monday 6th February 2023
To resolve to accept the minutes of the last parish council meeting as a true and accurate record.
(4) Clerk’s report
- Chairman’s Village Natters article on website
- Contacted NKDC re missed poo bin 21st Feb
- Email to Graeme Butler re Speed sign post
- Emails sent and received to and from HVCS re Grant
- Enquiries to – new liner
- Parish policing priorities form sent
- Emails with Simpsons re work in QE Garden
- Downloaded register of electors (657 in Great Hale)
- Website support – 5 hours
- LALC Training renewal
(5)To receive declarations of interest under the localism act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on members’ register of interests and any written requests for dispensation.
(6) To receive reports from any district councillors, county councillors or police in attendance
(7) Planning applications
(7.1) None received
(8) Financial matters
(8.1) To approve the February bank reconciliation and spend to date
Great Hale Parish Council |
Bank Reconcilation: Treasurers Account 28th February 2023 |
31st January 2023 to 28th February 2023 |
Bank |
Balance on 31st January 2023 |
£ 5,715.35 |
Total paid in |
£ 2.00 |
Total paid out |
£ 3,210.77 |
Balance on 28th February 2023 |
£ 2,506.58 |
Balance from General ledgers |
Balance on 28th February 2023 |
£ 2,506.58 |
Account balances |
Treasurers account |
£ 2,506.58 |
Reserves account |
£ 13,459.25 |
Total |
£ 15,965.83 |
(8.2) To approve accounts for payment
Accounts for Payment |
Date |
Payee |
Payment Method |
Details |
Amount |
6.3.23 |
Simpson Arboriculture Ltd |
Work on QE Garden |
£ 1,068.00 |
6.3.23 |
T Cooke |
Keys |
To be purchased |
Total |
£1,068.00 |
Payments Made in February Since Last Meeting and money received |
Date |
Payee |
Payment Method |
Details |
Amount |
7.2.23 |
Mr G Cooke |
Speed sign clips |
£ 13.99 |
7.2.23 |
Elan City |
Reactive speed sign |
£ 2,757.67 |
16.2.23 |
O2 |
DD |
Clerk's mobile |
£ 13.40 |
16.2.23 |
Aerial Mobile |
Credit |
Mobile monthly credit |
-£ 2.00 |
28.2.23 |
T Cooke |
January Salary |
£ 340.51 |
28.2.23 |
Salary contribution |
£ 85.20 |
Total expenditure: |
£ 3,208.77 |
(9) Highway matters for discussion and resolution
(9.1) Reactive speed sign – speeding
(9.2) Highways – further issues
(10) Orchard Green for discussion and resolution
(10.1) To receive update on Orchard Green inspections
(11) Other matters for discussion and resolution
(11.1) Orchard Park Queen Elizabeth garden quote
(11.2) Annual Parish meeting
(11.3) Highways Grass Cutting Agreement
(11.4) Wicksteed Park inspection
(11.5) Internal audit
(12) Future agenda items
(13) Date of next meeting
Monday 3rd April 2023 at 7pm