The Great Hale Parish Council is made up of seven elected members - comprising the Chair, Vice-Chair and five members - all unpaid volunteers who work for the benefit of the community and all local residents. The Parish Council is fully accountable and subject to detailed audit.
The Clerk to the Parish Council is a paid, part-time employee.
Residents may attend full council meetings and can speak briefly on village matters at the commencement of the meeting in Parishioners Items.
All enquiries about this website or content, please contact the Parish Clerk at gthalepcclerk@gmail.com
Your Councillors are:
Chair - Cllr N Turner - cllrturnergthale@gmail.com
Vice Chair - Cllr G Cooke - cllrcookegthale@gmail.com
Cllr M Barnatt - cllrbarnattgthale@gmail.com
Cllr A Broom - cllrbroomgthale@gmail.com
Cllr J Cope - cllrcopegthale@gmail.com
Cllr N Dady - cllrndadygthale@gmail.com
Cllr L Mountain - cllrmountaingthale@gmail.com
When you contact Great Hale Parish Council, the information you provide (personal information such as name, address, email address, phone number) will be processed and stored so that it is possible to contact you and respond to your correspondence, advise, provide information, send invoices and receipts relating to service provision. Your personal information will not be shared with any third party without your prior consent.
The Parish Councils' main reponsibilities are maintenance of the Orchard Green Play Area and Churchyard, grass cutting within the village and responding to correspondence from the public in regards to the village. We also work closely with North Kesteven District Council and Lincolnshire County Council to ensure that the village is well kept and an enjoyable place to live.