February 2021 Minutes

Great Hale Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held remotely on

Monday 1st February 2021 via Zoom Video Call

Present: Chairman Cllr N. Turner, Cllrs J. Cope, N.Dady, L.Mountain, S.Needham and M. Barnatt. Cllr A Broom joined the meeting at item 5.

In attendance: Clerk K. Sinclair and District Cllr S Tarry and  S Ogden.

Public Forum.

There we no members of the public present.

The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.34pm.

Official Business of the Council

1. To receive apologies and reasons given (20/214)

None received.

2. Chairman’s welcome and opening remarks (20/215)

The Chairman welcomed all Councillors to the meeting.

3. To approve the draft minutes from the meeting held on Monday 11th January 2021 (20/216)

It was unanimously resolved that the draft minutes from the previous meeting were a true record and could be approved and signed as minutes following an amendment to item 5.

Action: Chairman to sign the minutes when next possible. Clerk to upload to the website.

4. To receive declarations of interest and to receive written requests for new DPI dispensations (20/217)

Cllr Needham declared an interest in item 8.4 and Cllr Turner declared an interest in item 11.

Cllr A Broom joined the meeting at 7.36pm

5. To receive reports from any District Councillors, County Councillors or Police in attendance (20/218)

District Cllr S Tarry informed the Cllrs that NKDC were currently drawing up future budget proposals.

6. Planning applications

6.1 Application 20/1745/VARCON Land at Hall Farm, Hall Road, Great Hale

There were no comments on the above application.

District Cllrs left the meeting at 7.38pm.

7. Financial matters

7.1 To approve the bank reconciliation and spend to date (20/220)

It was unanimously resolved to accept bank reconciliation and the spend to date.

Bank Reconciliation: Treasurers Account – 31st January 2021


Balance on 31st December 2020

 £         8,119.19

Total paid in

 £               -

Total paid out

 £            518.74

Balance on 31st January 2021

 £         7,600.45

General Ledger

Balance on 31st January 2021

 £         7,600.45

Account balances       

Treasurers account       £7,600.45

Business account              £250.27

Scottish Widows             £6,212.86

Total                            £14,063.58




7.2 To approve the accounts for payment (20/221)

It was unanimously resolved to approve the accounts for payment.

Action: Clerk to make BACS payments for all outstanding payments.




K Sinclair




PAYE Deductions


Payments made since last meeting

K Sinclair

Salary (including overtime)


EE Limited

Phone bill



8. Highway matters for discussion

8.1 To receive an update on any outstanding potholes (20/223)

No work to any previous potholes mentioned has been carried out. The potholes on Little Hale Road, Grove Street and Leas Road have deteriorated badly since the last meeting.

Action: Clerk to report potholes again.

8.2 To Discuss Recent Flooding in the Village (20/224)

No further update has been received.

8.3 To receive update on grass cutting in Great Hale (20/225)

There were no cuts done in January.

8.4 To receive an update on the bid for a pavement between Grove Street and Barnard Close along Leas Road (20/226)

Cllr Broom circulated a bid proposal prior to the meeting.

It was resolved to accept Cllr Broom’s bid with 6 votes for and 1 abstention.

Action: Clerk to forward the bid with covering letter to Cllr B Young and Highways.

8.5 To consider replacement of the grit bin on the corner of Leas Road and Grove Street

It was unanimously resolved for the clerk to request a replacement grit bin from LCC due to damage to the current one.

Action: Clerk to contact LCC regarding replacement grit bin.

9. Orchard Green

9.1 To receive an update on Orchard Green inspections (20/228)

Cllr J Cope reported very little litter and all equipment to be in good order.

Cllr A Broom to carry out next inspections.

10. Matters for discussion and resolution

10.1 To receive an update regarding the Great Hale COVID-19 Community Support (20/229)

The support scheme is still in place but there have been no further injects since the last meeting.

10.2 To receive an update on the sycamore trees in the Churchyard (20/230)

There has been no response from the Lincoln diocese since sending the report.

Action: Clerk to chase a response from the Lincoln Diocese.

10.3 To receive an update on the progress of the new Parish Council website (20/231)

The Clerk has worked the final 3 hours of the 40 hours allocated to complete the website. The website is now compliant with all legislation but does require cosmetic updates. These are to be completed within the Clerks normal working hours when possible.  

It was unanimously resolved to pay the Clerk the 3 hours worked within their February salary.

10.4 To approve the suggested change in parish council nominee for Great Hale Charities (20/236)

The council had received the policy which included parish council nominees.

It was unanimously resolved to accept the new parish council nomination for Great Hale Charities.

Action: Clerk to contact Great Hale Charities to formal accept the nominee.

11. Correspondence (20/237)– as per list

Received From


NKDC Planning

Application 21/0055/HOUS 5 Barnard Close, Great Hale

There were no comments made regarding above planning application.

12. Future agenda items (20/238)

Update from the HR Committee meeting being held on 15 February 2021

13. Date of next meeting (20/239)

Monday 1 March 2021

The meeting closed at 8.00pm.