January 2021 Minutes

Great Hale Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held remotely on

Monday 11th January 2021 via Zoom Video Call

Present: Chairman Cllr N. Turner, Cllrs J. Cope, A. Broom, N.Dady, L.Mountain, S.Needham and M. Barnatt.

In attendance: Clerk K. Sinclair and District Cllr S Tarry.

Public Forum.

There we no members of the public present.

The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.36pm.


Official Business of the Council

1. To receive apologies and reasons given (20/214)

Apologises were received from District Cllr S Ogden.

2. Chairman’s welcome and opening remarks (20/215)

The Chairman welcomed all Councillors to the meeting.

3. To approve the draft minutes from the meeting held on Monday 7th December 2020 (20/216)

It was unanimously resolved that the draft minutes from the previous meeting were a true record and could be approved and signed as minutes.

Action: Chairman to sign the minutes when next possible. Clerk to upload to the website.

4. To receive declarations of interest and to receive written requests for new DPI dispensations (20/217)

Cllr Needham expressed an interest in items 8.4 and 10.8.

Cllr N Dady left the meeting at 7.40pm

5. To receive reports from any District Councillors, County Councillors or Police in attendance (20/218)

District Cllr S Tarry reminded council of the deadline for comments for the NKDC cycling consultation and the Local Government Boundary Commission has now published suggested Ward boundaries. The changes proposed must now be approved by Parliament. The Clerk was thanked for keeping the District Cllrs informed of the culvert updates.

6. Planning applications (20/219)

There were no planning applications to be discussed.

District Cllrs S Tarry left the meeting at 7.46pm.

Financial matters

7.1 To approve the bank reconciliation and spend to date (20/220)

It was unanimously resolved to accept bank reconciliation and the spend to date.

Bank Reconciliation: Treasurers Account – 31st December 2020


Balance on 30th November 2020

 £         9,522.69

Total paid in

 £               -

Total paid out

 £          1403.50

Balance on 31st December 2020

 £         8,119.19

General Ledger

Balance on 31st December 2020

 £          8,119.19


Account balances       

Treasurers account       £9,522.69

Business account              £250.27

Scottish Widows             £6,212.86

Total                            £15,985.82



Cllr N Dady rejoined the meeting at 7.50pm.

7.2 To approve the accounts for payment (20/221)

It was unanimously resolved to approve the accounts for payment.

Action: Clerk to make BACS payments for all outstanding payments.




K Sinclair




PAYE Deductions


Payments made since last meeting

K Sinclair

Salary (including overtime)


EE Limited

Phone bill



Grant (Approved in December 2020)


7.3 To approve the budget for 2021-2022 and confirm the required precept amount for 2021-2022 (20/222)

The 2021-2022 budget was approved. The required precept amount is £13,500. This is equivalent to the current year’s precept. Due to the reduction in the tax base, this means there will be a 2.61% (£1.42 for the year) increase to a Band D equivalent property.

8. Highway matters for discussion

8.1 To receive an update on any outstanding potholes (20/223)

The Clerk had travelled around the village, took photos of all potholes found and reported them to LCC. LCC responded to say action had been scheduled for the majority of the potholes but no further action was being taken on the fen road near Poplar Farm.

Action: Clerk to write to County Cllr B Young regarding the potholes on the fen road.

8.2 To Discuss Recent Flooding in the Village (20/224)

No further update has been received.

8.3 To receive update on grass cutting in Great Hale (20/225)

There were no cuts done in December.

8.4 To discuss the need for a pavement between Grove Street and Barnard Close along Leas Road (20/226)

Following conversations for the last meeting where it was agreed that the village would benefit from a pavement been installed, Cllr A Broom has spoken to several authorities and informed the council about the bidding process required for the pavement to be considered.

It was resolved to allow Cllr Broom to start the bidding process with 6 votes for and 1 abstention.

8.5 To discuss and make suggestions for the new road name (20/227)

It was unanimously resolved to submit comments in favour of the suggested road name The Gables.

Action: Clerk to submit the comments of approval.

9. Orchard Green

9.1 To receive an update on Orchard Green inspections (20/228)

Cllr M Barnatt carried out the most recent inspections and reported little to no litter. The hedge requires a cut in the near future. The council agreed that a working party would be set up when the weather improves and that the damaged fencing would be repaired following the hedge cut.

Cllr J Cope to carry out next inspections.

10. Matters for discussion and resolution

10.1 To receive an update regarding the Great Hale COVID-19 Community Support (20/229)

The support scheme is still in place. There has been one request for help since the start of the third lockdown.

10.2 To receive an update on the sycamore trees in the Churchyard (20/230)

The quote previously approved was sent with a covering letter to the diocese in Lincoln to request permission for the work to be carried out.

10.3 To receive an update on the progress of the new Parish Council website (20/231)

The Clerk has completed an additional 9 hours of work on the website. Bringing the total hours to 37. All legal requirements have now been uploaded to the website. The remaining 3 hours will be used to upload further finance information to the website and should be completed before the next meeting.

It was unanimously resolved to pay the Clerk the 9 hours worked within their January salary.

Action: Clerk to continue to develop the new website.

10.4 To consider further correspondence regarding a new defibrillator in the village (20/232)

After further consideration, the parish council were all in agreement that with defibrillators already located within the village hall and in neighbouring villages, the ongoing maintenance costs could not be justified. They would support an external defibrillator being located at the village hall but do not wish to take ownership or responsibility for it.

Action: Clerk to reply to resident who made the request.

10.5 To approve meeting dates for 2021-2022 including the Annual Parish Council Meeting and the Annual Parish Meeting (20/233)

It was unanimously resolved to approve the meeting dates as discussed.

Action: Clerk to publish them on the website and noticeboard.

10.6 To discuss the NKDC cycling consultation (20/234)

There were no comments made on this consultation.

10.7 To consider the correspondence from a resident regarding planting a tree (20/235)

The location suggested belongs LCC so a decision could not be made by the parish council.

Action: Clerk to respond to the request.

10.8 To approve the suggested change in parish council nominee for Great Hale Charities (20/236)

The council have requested clarification from Great Hale Charities on the policy for parish council nominees.

Action: Clerk to seek clarification.

11. Correspondence (20/237)– as per list

Received From



Register of interest forms

Great Hale Newsletter

Confirming restart of the newsletter

Lincolnshire Police

Introduction of the safer together co-ordinator

All correspondence was discussed in the meeting.

Action: Councillors to inform the Clerk of any changes to their register of interest forms.

12. Future agenda items (20/238)

No additional items were raised for the next agenda.

13. Date of next meeting (20/239)

Monday 1 February 2021

The meeting closed at 8.51pm.