January 2021 Agenda

Great Hale Parish Council

Parish Council Meeting

Monday 11th January 2021, commencing at 7.30pm

The Parish Council meeting will be remotely on Monday 11th January 2021 commencing at 7.30pm.  The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed on the attached agenda.

To observe the meeting, visit www.zoom.us, click on ‘join a meeting’ and enter the following details:

Meeting ID: 881 0882 1719

Passcode: 738146

(Alternatively, email the clerk at gthalepcclerk@aol.co.uk for the meeting link)

There will be a 15 minute public forum between 7.30pm and 7.45pm where members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council.


Kirsty Sinclair (Clerk to the Parish Council)

Dated: Tuesday 5th January 2021


1. To receive apologies and resolve to accept reasons given

2. Chairman’s welcome and opening remarks

3. Notes of the meeting held on 7th December 2020

To resolve to accept the minutes of the last parish council meeting as a true and accurate record.

4. To receive declarations of interest and to receive written requests for new dpi dispensations

To receive declarations of interest under the localism act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on members’ register of interests and any written requests for dispensation.                           

5. To receive reports from any district councillors, county councillors or police in attendance

6. Planning applications

There are no new planning applications to discuss.

7. Financial matters

7.1 To approve the bank reconciliation and spend to date

7.2 To approve accounts for payment

7.3 To finalise the budget and confirm the required precept amount for 2021-2022

8. Highway matters for discussion

8.1 To receive update on any outstanding potholes

8.2 To receive update on flooding

8.3 To receive update on grass cutting

8.4 To discuss the need for a pavement between Grove Street and Barnard Close along Leas Road

8.5 To discuss and make suggestions for the new road name

9. Orchard Green

9.1 To receive an update on Orchard Green inspections

10. Other matters for discussion and resolution

10.1 To receive update regarding the Great Hale covid-19 community support

10.2 To receive an update regarding the sycamore trees in churchyard

10.3 To receive update on progress with the new parish council website

10.4 To consider further correspondence regarding a new defibrillator in the village

10.5 To approve meeting dates for 2021-2022 including the Annual Parish Council Meeting and the Annual Parish Meeting

10.6 To discuss the NKDC cycling consultation

10.7 To consider the correspondence from a resident regarding planting a tree

10.8 To approve the suggested change in parish council nominee for Great Hale Charities 

11. Correspondence – as per list

To note correspondence received

12. Future agenda items

13. Date of next meeting

Monday 1st February 2021