January 2022 Minutes

Great Hale Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on Monday, 10th January 2022 at Great Hale Magna Village Hall  
Councillor N Turner (Chair)
Councillor M Barnatt
Councillor A Broom
Councillor J Cope
Councillor N Dady
Councillor L Mountain
In attendance:    

Councillor A Key (Lincolnshire County Council)
District Councillor S Ogden (North Kesteven District Council)
District Councillor S Tarry (North Kesteven District Council)
D Smith (Clerk)
The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.30pm.

Public Forum

One member of the public present, who in his capacity as a trustee for Hale Magna Village Hall thanked the parish councillors for the recent donation of £250 and also addressed some of the comments made at the previous meeting, when the parish councillors were considering the grant application received from Hale Magna Village Hall.  

The member of the public also gave an update  regarding the ongoing railway crossing problem and asked if the parish council could investigate whether the ditch on either side of the crossing could be cleaned out.

The open session closed at 7.34pm.
Official Business of the Council

(1) To receive apologies and reasons given (21/184)

None received

(2) Notes of the meeting held on 6th December 2021 (21/185)

It was unanimously agreed that the draft minutes from the meeting held on 6th December 2022 were a true record.  Chair signed the minutes.

Action  Clerk to upload minutes to the website
(3) To receive declaration of interest and to receive written request for new dpi dispensations (21/186) 

Councillor Cope declared an interest in item (6) Planning Application 21/1874/FUL.

(4) Appointment of new parish councillor (21/187)

There has been some interest in the vacancy and interview(s) are due to take place on 27/02/22.

(5) To receive reports from any district councillors, county councillors or police in attendance (21/188)

Councillor Tarry informed those present North Kesteven District Council (NKDC)  are busy preparing the 2022/23 budget and brought to their attention the live stream Target Budget Meet, Performance and Resources Overview and Scrutiny Panel to be held at 5.00pm on 17/01/22.

Councillor Key told those present Lincolnshire County Council (LCC) are also preparing the 2022/23 budget and brought to their attention Highways are once again having the maintenance fund from the Government cut by 12 million pounds.   Councillor Key told those present about the Fix Our Funds to Fix Our Roads campaign and gave cards and posters for distribution.  Councillor Key said any support would be gratefully received.

Councillor Tarry and Councillor Ogden left the meeting.
(6) Planning applications (21/189)

Application 21/1782/FUL – Abbey Parks Farm Shop, East Heckington 

Application 21/1783/ADV – Abbey Parks Farm Shop, East Heckington 

Application 21/1874/FUL – Crow Lane Farm, Crow Lane, Great Hale

Not discussed as all three applications had been received by clerk since the last meeting and the deadline for comments had passed for all three applications.

It was resolved to discuss item 10.2 before item 7.3 due to the possible financial implication.

(10.2) Future parish council meetings (21/190)

Those present raised their concerns about the size of the lounge used for meetings with regard social distancing and also the sound from the hall when it is in use. The main hall is available on a Thursday evening but the cost is £30 rather than £9.00 for the lounge.

Councillor Key requested to speak in his capacity as Chair of Hale Magna Village Hall.

7.50am   It was resolved to close the Parish Council Meeting and open the Public Forum.

Mr Key explained about the running costs of the village hall.  Mr Key pointed out that the Heckington Choir do not use the hall during school holidays and perhaps parish council may like to consider booking the hall when it is not being used on a Monday evening.

The Public Forum session closed at 7.58pm and the council meeting resumed.

After consideration it was agreed to continue with meetings on a Monday evening with a new time of 6.30pm and to spread seating out along the length of the room to allow more space for social distancing.  

Action:  Future parish council meetings to commence at 6.30pm

Action:  New time to be put in the News section of the Parish Council website
(7) Financial matters

(7.1) To approve the December 2021 bank reconciliation and spend to date (21/191) 

It was unanimously resolved to accept the bank reconciliation and spend to date.

(7.2) To approve accounts for payment (21/192)
It was unanimously resolved  to approve the accounts  for payment.
Action:  Clerk to make BACS payments for all approved outstanding payments.
It was unanimously resolved to accept the bank reconciliation and spend to date.

(7.3) Budget for 2022-23 (21/193)

The 2022-23 was discussed and approved.  The required precept amount is £14,035.

Action:  Clerk to complete Precept Demand form and send to NKDC.    

(7.4) Updated Internal Audit Statement of Assurance for approval (21/194)

Agreed by those present.

(7.5) Internal auditor 2022-23 (21/195)

Clerk informed those present that A Bourne is happy to continue providing her services as internal auditor for 2022/23 at a charge of £30 (the same charge as 2021/22).  Unanimously agreed to continue with A Bourne as the internal auditor.

Action:  Clerk to inform A Bourne.

(8) Highway matters for discussion and resolution

(8.1) Grass cutting contract 2022-23 (21/196)

PJ Gardening Services had submitted a tender for grass  cutting 4% more than 2021/22 (below the inflation rate).  It was unanimously agreed to accept the tender.

Action:  Clerk to inform PJ Gardening Services

(8.2) For information:  Temporary Traffic Restriction / 4716 (21/197)

Road Closure Order – Great  Hale Drove No 2 Level Crossing
Period of restriction: 16/01/22 at 22.00 to 17/01/22 at 06.00

(8.3) For information:  Temporary Traffic Restriction / 4624 (21/198)

Road Closure Order – Great Hale No 1 Level Crossing
Period of restriction:  15/01/22 at 22.00 to 16/01/22 at 06.00

(9) Orchard Green for discussion and resolution

(9.1) To receive an update on Orchard Green inspections (21/199)

Update given with no problems to report.

Action: Councillor Cope to purchase replacement anti-bird spikes for the swings.

(10) Other Matters for Discussion and Resolution

(10.1) NKDC Dog Fouling Policy (21/200)

A parish councillor has been informed by NKDC that members of the public allowing dog fouling can be reported on the NKDC website or by phone, giving vehicle registration and name if known.

(10.2) Future parish council meetings (21/190)

Discussed before item 7 (Financial Matters).

(11) Future agenda items (21/191)

Date for Orchard Park working party

Action:  Clerk to email parish councillors requesting further agenda items prior to sending agenda out

(12) Date of next meeting (21/192)

6.30pm Monday, 7th February 2022 – Hale Magna Village Hall

Cllr Turner thanked those present for attending and closed the meeting at 8.45pm