November 2022

Great Hale Parish Council
Parish Council Meeting
Monday, 7th November 2022, Commencing at 7.00pm

The Parish Council Meeting will be at Hale Magna Village Hall on Monday, 7th November 2022 commencing at 7.00pm.  The business to be dealt with at the meeting is listed on the agenda. 

There will be a 15 minute public forum between 7.00pm and 7.15pm where members of the public may ask questions or make short statements to the Council. 
Tracy Cooke (Clerk to the Parish Council)
Dated: Tuesday 1st November 2022

(1)    Chairman’s remarks

(2) To receive apologies and resolve to accept reasons given

(3) Notes of the meeting held Monday 3rd October 2022
To resolve to accept the minutes of the last parish council meeting as a true and accurate record.

(4) Clerk’s report

a.    Chase dog poo bin order. Receive order. Fitted bin with Cllr Cooke
b.    Bench installation – emails and phone calls with Willowhomes & Smiths
c.    Quotes for clearing ‘The Spinney’ – PP French (unable to do work) & Simpsons (quote received)
d.    Communication with NKDC re damage to Hall Park tree
e.    Fix my Street – following phone call from a resident
f.    Communication with Graeme Butler re Speeding
g.    VAT return
h.    Attended Intro to CiLCA course 19/10/22
i.    Transferred data from old to new laptop
j.    Raised invoice to NKDC for litter picking grant

(5)To receive declarations of interest under the localism act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on members’ register of interests and any written requests for dispensation.

(6) To receive reports from any district councillors, county councillors or police in attendance

(7) Planning applications

(7.1)    Anglian Water reservoir 

(8)   Financial matters 
(8.1) To approve the October 2022 bank reconciliation and spend to date

(8.2) To approve accounts for payment

(8.3)    To re-name ‘Business account’ to ‘Reserves account’ and transfer money appropriately to this account.

(8.4)    CIL money reporting
    Total received £3814.10 (Oct 21 & Apr 22)
    Monies spent £1178.70 (Oct 21 – Oct 22)
    Money remaining from CIL £2635.40 (1st Nov 22)

(9)   Highway matters for discussion and resolution
(9.1)    Speeding through the village
(9.2)    Fly tipping on Carter Plot Road
(9.3)    Bench – corner of Little Hale Road / Church Street
(9.4)    Highways – further issues

(10)   Orchard Green for discussion and resolution
(10.1) To receive update on Orchard Green inspections 

(11)   Other matters for discussion and resolution
(11.1) Dog faeces in the village and over local fields
(11.2) Quotes for trees / Spinney works 
(11.3) Hall Park tree damage
(11.4) Churchyard
(11.5) Grass cutting contract

(12)  Future agenda items

(13)  Date of next meeting
      Monday 5th December at 7pm