May 2023 Draft Minutes APM

Great Hale Parish Council

Minutes of the Annual Parish Meeting 

Monday 15th May 2023 at Hale Magna Village Hall, Great Hale


Present:    Cllr N. Turner (Chairman)
Cllr M. Barnatt
Cllr J. Cope
Cllr L Mountain
Cllr G Cooke 
Cllr N Dady
D/Cllr S Tarry

In attendance: Mrs Tracy Cooke (Clerk & RFO) and 4 members of the public.

1.    Apologies 
Cllr A Broom
District Cllr Ogden

2.    Welcome Address by the Chairman of Great Hale Parish Council and report on Parish Council Activities during the past year.

Councillor Turner welcomed all to the Annual Parish Meeting 2023 and thanked them for attending.  He welcomed their support, ideas and views.  He then continued to report the following: 
Over the last year the Parish Council considered what measures could be taken to resolve speeding issues along Little Hale Road, following concerns raised by a group of parishioners. Having taken advice from Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership various options it was decided to purchase an interactive speed sign. Our thanks go to Cllr Cooke who researched various options and obtained various quotes.  Early results have shown that there has been a reduction in both number of vehicles exceeding the speed limit and a reduction in excessive speed of vehicles. 
We have had an additional bench installed on Little Hale Road on the corner with Church Street and repaired the bench on corner of Church Street and High Street.
Support for the Burial Board has continued with a grant of £400 towards their running costs. Following the use of the defibrillator a grant was given of £250 to pay for replacement pads. The voluntary car service provides transport to people who require transport to get to medical equipment and has been well used by Great Hale Parishioner. Therefore a grant was awarded of £250 to cover the cost of providing the service to our parishioners.
Work has taken place to clear the over grown area of Orchard Park to create the Queen Elizabeth Memorial Garden. This is scheduled to be completed in the autumn when the area will be rotavated and levelled out. The area will then be seeded, together with the planting of trees which will provide a shady area for the proposed seating.
Members of the Parish Council carried out a spring tidying up of the Church yard. 
Finally there were elections at the end of the year and all councillors were returned unopposed, so we will strive to continue to serve the parish and community of Great Hale.

3.    Minutes of the last meeting held on 9th May 2022

Following a vote it was unanimously resolved that the notes of the meeting held on 9th May 2022 be approved and signed as minutes.

4.    Presentations and Reports from Community Groups:

i.    To receive Great Hale Charities Report – Mr T Doyle
See Appendix A
ii.    To receive Great Hale & Little Hale Burial Board Report – Cllr J Cope
See Appendix B
iii.    To receive Churchwarden’s report – St John the Baptist, Great Hale – Mrs E Huckle
See Appendix C

5.    Invitation to public for suggestions on potential projects within Great Hale

    A member of the public stated that he was pleased that the reactive speed sign was being effective.

Another member of the public has recently moved into the Gables and was concerned that the promised trees and bushes had not been supplied.  D Cllr Tarry spoke with the residents and asked for their details so that she could enquire about them.

6.    Open discussion / new ideas

None were forthcoming.

Chairman thanked all for attending and closed the meeting at 7.16pm