December 2023 DRAFT Minutes

Great Hale Parish Council

Notes taken at Parish Council Meeting held on

Monday, 4th December 2023 at 7pm at Hale Magna Village Hall

Present:        Councillor N Turner    (Chairman)
            Councillor M Barnatt
            Councillor A Broom
            Councillor J Cope
            Councillor N Dady
            Councillor L Mountain

Apologies        Councillor G Cooke

County Councillor A Key (Lincolnshire County Council)
            District Councillor S Tarry (North Kesteven District Council)

In attendance:    Mrs Tracy Cooke – (Parish Clerk)

Public Forum

The Public Forum Opened at 7.00pm

There was 1 member of the public present.

The member of the public stated that work on the railway culvert had begun.  They have replaced pipes. Work has not been fully completed and will continue in the next couple of weeks. 

He continued to explain that Anglian Water had sub contracted to a company who came and lifted the drain covers and they are clean.  The Contractor said that the surge pump needs investigation.  A few days later, a company came and flushed out the drains with machinery. The drains are under investigation. Anglian Water know that attaching any further drains will cause problems.

Chairman closed the Public open forum at 7.02 pm

Chairman opened the Parish Council meeting at 7.03 pm

Official Business of the Council

1.    Chairman’s Welcome (23/154)

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the final meeting of Great Hale Parish Council for 2023.  He said that due to ill health, a meeting with the Clerk had not happened.  There had been some work on the Budget but not as much as intended.

2.    Apologies (23/155)

Apologies were received from CC Key, DC Tarry and PC Cooke.

3    Previous meeting held on Monday 6th November 2023 (23/156)

It was unanimously agreed that the draft minutes from the meeting held on 6th November 2023 were a true record. The Chairman duly signed the minutes.

4    Clerk’s Report (23/157)

a.    Correspondence with Anglian Water & Parishioner
b.    Financial Regulations and Standing Orders on website
c.    Policing priorities form sent
d.    ‘Lunch’ booked for Litter Pickers – Fri 8th Dec
e.    Bench costs researched
f.    Ordered and collected Remembrance wreath
g.    Assisted with putting up the solar panels
h.    Renewed mobile phone contract
i.    Sent holding email to Church wall contractor
j.    Tree costs researched

5.    To receive declarations of interests (23/158)
    None to declare
6.    To receive reports from County and District councillors (23/159)
No County or District Councillors present

7    Planning Applications (23/160)

(7.1)    Planning Application Reference: 

    No planning applications or decisions received.

8    Finance matters 

(8.1)    To approve the November 2023 bank reconciliation and spend to date. (23/161)
Council approved the November 2023 bank reconciliation and acknowledged the spend to date.

(8.2)    To approve accounts for payment (23/162)
It was unanimously resolved to approve the accounts for payment.

Cllr Mountain questioned the grass cutting invoice as some parts had not been done.  The invoice is lower than normal as less has been cut.  It was agreed to pay the invoice.  

(9)    Highway matters for discussion and resolution 

(9.1)    Speed Sign update – pole and solar (23/163)

    Cllr Broom proposed a vote of thanks to Cllr Cooke and the Clerk for their work on the speed sign.  All Councillors agreed and expressed their thanks. 

(9.2)    Leas Road (23/164)

    There are no updates on Leas Road.
(9.3)    East Heckington accidents

    Cllr Turner had requested that this item be put onto the Agenda.  He suggested that Highways be approached to have a central turning refuge area installed.  There are countless accidents in the area and the cost to life and business is high.

    There had been discussion previously on whether to dual carriageway the road.  This had not progressed.

    He continued to say that the Passing Places on Carter Plot road need to be improved and labelled properly as it is extremely dangerous at the moment.

    Cllr Mountain stated that there should be a turning lane off the A17 onto Carter Plot Lane 
    Council unanimously supported these proposals and agreed to letter being sent to highways.

    Action:  Draft a letter to Highways and CC Key

(9.4)    Highways – further issues (23/165)

    No further issues were raised.

10    Orchard Green for discussion and resolution

10.1    To receive an update on Orchard Green Inspections (23/166) 

    Cllr Mountain said that the grass is extremely long.  A little bit of rubbish was picked up but nothing too much.  She noticed that some of the cable ties are missing from the top of the swings.  Cllr Broom volunteered to replace the tie wraps.

Action:  Next month’s inspections: Cllr Broom
Action:  Cllr Broom to replace cable ties

11    Other matters 

(11.1)     Grass Cutting  (23/167)
    This was discussed in 10.1

    Action:   Cllr Turner to speak to the grass cutter regarding cuts and quality.

(11.2) Draft budget  (23/168)

Councillors went through the first draft of the budget. The Clerk will amend some figures and the Budget will be continued and finalised in January.

(11.3)    Beacon Fen Energy consultation – February meeting (23/169)

    Beacon Fen Energy have entered a Statutory consultation phase and have asked to present to the Parish Council.  They would like to attend February’s meeting at the beginning of the meeting in the Public Open Forum.  

Action:   Clerk to advertise the meeting to Parishioners on the Noticeboard, website and Facebook.

(11.4)    Anglian Water (23/170)
    Discussed in Open Forum

12    Closed Session (23/171)

To resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation to HR and pay matters.

It was unanimously resolved to move into closed session.  The Clerk and members of the Public left the room for this item.

The Chairman closed the Parish Council meeting and opened the closed session at 8.11pm.

The Chairman relayed the Minute on the Clerk’s return.  It was agreed that the Clerk should remain on Pay Scale 10 and the Pay award to be backdated to April in accordance with the NALC recommendations.

13    Future agenda items (23/172)

(13.1)     Budget

14    Date and place of next meeting (23/173)

Monday 8th January 2023 @ 7pm in Hale Magna Village Hall.

The Chairman thanked all for attending.  He wished everyone a happy Christmas and festive season and closed the meeting at 8.24 pm