November 2023 minutes

Great Hale Parish Council


Notes taken at Parish Council Meeting held on


Monday, 6th November 2023 at 7pm at Hale Magna Village Hall



Present:                 Councillor N Turner (Chairman)

                              Councillor G Cooke (Vice Chairman)

                              Councillor M Barnatt

                              Councillor A Broom

                              Councillor J Cope

                              Councillor N Dady

                              Councillor L Mountain


                              District Councillor S Tarry (North Kesteven District Council)



Apologies              County Councillor A Key (Lincolnshire County Council)

                              District Councillor S Ogden (North Kesteven District Council)


In attendance:        Mrs Tracy Cooke – (Parish Clerk)



Public Forum


The Public Forum Opened at 7.00pm


There was 1 member of the public present.



The member of the public stated that work on the railway culvert should start in the middle of next month (December)


He continued to say that during the recent flooding, water was seen coming through the drains of the foul water sewage on Orchard Close, Great Hale (Near to numbers 32/33) pushing up the drain covers.  Anglian Water stated that each household needed to make a complaint. The resident requested that we contact Anglian Water to find out why the surface water could cause this.  A suggestion was that the drainage on the new estate had been connected to the Orchard Park drains which had exacerbated the issue.


Action: Clerk to write to Anglian Water



Chairman closed the Public open forum at 7.04 pm



Chairman opened the Parish Council meeting at 7.04 pm

Official Business of the Council


  1. Chairman’s Welcome (23/129)


The Chairman welcomed everyone.  He was glad that everyone had not been too badly affected by the flooding but that it is something that needed to be looked at in the future.


  1. Apologies (23/130)


All members of the Parish Council were present. Apologies were received from CC Key and DC Ogden.


3        Previous meeting held on Monday 2nd October 2023 (23/131)


It was unanimously agreed that the draft minutes from the meeting held on 2nd October 2023 were a true record. The Chairman duly signed the minutes.


4        Clerk’s Report (23/132)


  1. Grant application for Church Wall submitted – Grants committee meeting mid December
  2. Grants application for Litter picking applied for, awarded and invoiced - £163 for this year
  3. Emails to Cllr Tarry re Oddfellows Hall
  4. Research into outdoor exercise equipment
  5. CIL report submitted
  6. Email to Alan Oliver re planning at The Gables
  7. Emails, printing and visit to resident in Manor Gardens re parking
  8. Emails and communication with resident and tree specialists re Walnut Tree
  9. Emails to Highways
  10. Communication with QE Garden contractor


5.       To receive declarations of interests (23/133)


Cllr Cooke made a declaration of interests on Item 8


6.       To receive reports from County and District councillors (23/134)


The Clerk had emailed Cllr Tarry with accompanying photographs of Oddfellows Hall.

DC Tarry has contacted Building Control. They look at historical reports as well as safety.  Following inspections they found it unsightly and in disrepair.  However, it is not structurally unsafe and not significantly worse than when last inspected in Sept 2019.  The loss of rendering has no effect on the safety and structural stability of the building.  Cllr Tarry said that she would approach the Planning Enforcement Team


Cllr Cooke asked if any Council Tax was being paid.  Cllr Tarry said that she would follow this up.

Cllr Turner asked about the Empty Property legislation.  As it is not a residential property, she stated that this is not relevant.

Cllr Turner asked if the District Council cut the hedges in front of the Queen Elizabeth Gardens as it has not been done this year.  He asked if Cllr Tarry could find out who is cutting it.


Cllr Tarry has sent the Clerk a Flourishing Scale Survey.  It is a consultation that identifies where areas are thriving and where areas are in need.  This can be completed individually or as a group.


Cllr Turner asked Cllr Tarry to make the Planning Officer aware of the Parish Council’s concerns regarding planning at The Gables. 



7        Planning Applications (23/135)


(7.1)   Planning Application Reference:


No new applications have been received this month and no planning decisions were received.


8        Finance matters


(8.1)   To approve the October 2023 bank reconciliation and spend to date. (23/136)


Council approved the October 2023 bank reconciliation and acknowledged the spend to date.


(8.2)   To approve accounts for payment (23/137)


It was unanimously resolved to approve the accounts for payment.



(9)      Highway matters for discussion and resolution


(9.1)   Speed Sign update – pole and solar (23/138)


          Cllr Cooke updated us with progress on the pole.  The pole has been installed and Graeme Butler (Road Safety Partnership) has given us the go ahead to use it for the speed sign and the solar panels once purchased. The new pole has wider circumference and needs new fixings. The solar panels have increased in price to £494.68  Cllr Cooke asked for no more than £550 to cover the solar panels and associated fixings.



          Action:  Cllr Cooke to order the solar panels and obtain fixings.



(9.2)   Leas Road (23/139)


          The hedge on Leas Road has been partially removed. This has improved vision for drivers approaching the junction.


          Cllr Cooke said that the road markings at the junction showed a Give Way at the bottom of Grove Street.  These are old markings.  CCllr Key said at a previous meeting that he would investigate having them being made clearer.



(9.3)   Highways – further issues (23/140)


          Cllr Broom asked about the obstruction of the parked black car on Little Hale Road and whether there had been a response from Highways.  The car has been moved this weekend.


          Cllr Mountain asked about the laurel hedge opposite the nursery at the entrance of Grove Street as it obstructs driver’s views.


          Action:  To complete a Fix my Street


10      Orchard Green for discussion and resolution


10.1    To receive an update on Orchard Green Inspections (23/141)


          Cllr Cope had undertaken the inspections and said that there was a bit of rubbish, which has been collected.  Cllr Cope has asked the grass cutter to do another cut.  The play equipment is all good.  The hedge needs trimming.  A Working Party will be arranged when the weather becomes better.


Action:  Next month’s inspections: Cllr Mountain


11      Other matters


(11.1) Financial regulations / Standing Orders (23/142)


          The Great Hale Financial Regulations and Standing Orders have been updated by the Chair and The Clerk.  They now meet the most recent NALC Guidelines.  Both documents have been emailed to Councillors. These were discussed, unanimously agreed and adopted with immediate effect.


          Action:   Clerk to upload the new documents to the website. To print the Standing Orders to bring to PC meetings.


             (11.2)  Oddfellows Hall (23/143)


This was previously covered in Item 6.


(11.3) Queen Elizabeth Garden (23/144)


          A Working party of Councillors attended the garden on Wednesday 4th October to extend the fence line at Orchard Park and to clear and spray the garden area.  The Contractor is planning to commence his works on Tuesday 7th November. What furniture to be placed in the area was discussed.  A picnic bench was suggested.


Action:   Clerk to cost a bench


          (11.4) Church Wall Update (23/145)


          The Clerk has obtained 2 quotes for the repair and restoration of the Wall.  Grant Funding for a percentage has become available and The Clerk submitted the forms to be considered for funding.  The update on this funding is that the Grant Awards committee will meet in mid December and our application is being considered at that meeting.


          Action:   To wait for the Grant funding before commencing work.


(11.5) Policing priorities (23/146)


We have received our Parish Policing Priority Setting Meeting Feedback Form where Cllr Broom has requested we include parking close to road junctions,  primarily Church Street/Little Hale road which hampers vision. Road safety is the overall concern.


          Action:   Clerk to complete the Policing Priority form and return.


(11.6) Quickline Grant Funding  (23/147)


          Different projects were discussed including funding trees, picnic benches for the newly grassed area, outdoor exercise equipment and further equipment including a monkey wall.


          Action:   Clerk to cost these projects and to complete the application form.


(11.7) Mobile phone contract (23/148)


          The Clerk’s mobile phone is coming to the end of its contract.   The new suggested contract (with O2 /  Aerial) has a lower cost of £11 a month.


          Action:   To renew the contact with the lower cost.


(11.8) Litter Pickers (23/149)


          The Clerk had applied for and received a Grant for litter picking.  After writing to a member of the litter pickers asking if they needed anything, they requested a small Christmas treat, as they did not require any new equipment.  It was discussed and unanimously agreed that this was a good idea. A sum of £75 was agreed to fund this.


          Action:   Clerk to liaise with member of the litter pickers regarding a date, location and numbers for such a gathering.


(11.9) Grass cutting (23/150)


With the warm and wet weather, the grass in the village has grown rapidly. An extra grass cut for Orchard Park and Highways verges was discussed.  It was unanimously agreed that another cut was required before Winter.        


          Action:   To ask the grass cutter for another cut before winter.


(11.10)  Remembrance Day wreath (23/151)


          Cllr Turner asked whether we should obtain a wreath.  Councillors unanimously agreed that this would be a good idea. The Clerk said that she would contact the RBL to find out whether one could be delivered in less than a week for Saturday’s service in Church. If not, to try to obtain one locally.


          Action:   To obtain a poppy wreath for Saturday up to £50


12      Future agenda items (23/152)


(12.1) Draft budget

(12.2) Grass cutting


13      Date and place of next meeting (23/153)


Monday 4th December 2023 @ 7pm in Hale Magna Village Hall.


The Chairman thanked all for attending and closed the meeting at 8.14pm