Grants Policy

This Grants Policy was last reviewed at a Meeting of the Council on 13 May 2024.

This grants scheme offers grants to community groups and the amount of money available is set annually in the council budget.

For accountability, the application process ensures access, openness and fairness to all groups and organisations that wish to apply for a grant. The policy is informed by a number of key principles aimed at making our process more robust and user friendly.



To ensure the grant process is open, transparent, fair, competitive and supports local organisations. A grant may be awarded to established voluntary or community groups or informal groups of residents who intend to become formally constituted.



Established organisations must:

1.   Be established for charitable, benevolent, social, cultural, recreational or philanthropic purposes with a membership structure of at least 3.

2.   Have constitution or set of rules, which defines its aims, objectives and operational procedures. 

3.   Be able to provide a copy of its latest annual accounts and/or most recent bank statement.

4.   Have a bank account operating in the organisations name.

New organisations must:

1.   Be established for charitable, benevolent, social, cultural, recreational or philanthropic purposes.

2.   Have a bank account operating in the organisations name.



•   A project which makes the local community a better place.
•   A project which benefits the local residents and community.
•   A project with clear evidence that the parishioners support it.
•   Grants to local groups that benefit the local community.
•   Specific capital expenditure for purchase of special equipment.



•   Applications for revenue expenditure which covers the day to day running expenses (ie rates, gas, electric, salaries or rent.)
•   Support for individuals or private business projects.
•   Projects that are the prime statutory responsibility of other government bodies. 
•   Projects which simply replace existing facilities with no significant improvement.
•   Projects that improve or benefit privately owned land or property. 
•   Projects which have already been completed or will be by the time the grant is issued.

Only one grant per organisation will be awarded per financial year, unless there are exceptional circumstances. The amount awarded will be decided by the members at an official council meeting and will be proportionate to the amount budgeted for grants within each financial year. 



All applications will be assessed based on the following criteria:

•   Eligibility 
•   Value for money
•   Community involvement and support 
•   Sustainability  
•   Environmental impact

Unfortunately, we may not be able to grant funding to all applications if they do not meet the above criteria. However, all applications will be considered carefully.



1.   Applications must be submitted using the Great Hale Parish Council’s application form. 

2.   Applications will not be considered without proof of the organisations audited accounts and constitution. 

3.   For new groups, a business plan must be submitted along with a projection of income and expenditure. 

4.   The application must show evidence of self-help ie fundraising activities or other funding sources.

5.   A reference from a responsible member of the community who supports your organisation and project must be included in the application.



•   30th November
•   31st May 



•   Organisations awarded grants for specific capital expenditure must produce proof of purchase within 6 months.
•   Any grant not spent within 6 months of being awarded must be returned.
•   Any grants awarded for non-capital expenditure (ie setting up a group or event) must be returned if the event is not held or group set up within 6 months of receipt.
•   Great Hale Parish Council must be included in any publicity material relating to the use of funds provided.
•   The grant can only be used for the purpose in which was detailed in the application.

Great Hale Parish Council reserves the right to vary the application of this policy in circumstances what significant economic benefit to the parish is clearly demonstrated.

Grants Policy Application Forms

CLICK HERE to review and/or download the Application Forms.

Be aware that the PDF version can be reviewed online and/or downloaded whereas the Word version (DOCX) can only be downloaded.