Risk Assessment - Litter Picking

This Litter Picking Risk Assessment was last reviewed at a Meeting of the Council on 13 May 2024.


Who might be harmed

Existing Controls

Additional Controls Required


No. of Litter Pickers - lone worker


Lone working must not be undertaken. All litter pickers to work in pairs as a minimum i.e. if three volunteers attend they will remain as one group. A mobile phone to be available to each group of litter pickers for use in an emergency.

Any new volunteers to be advised re. lone working.


Volunteer Litter Pickers – aged 16 yrs. & under.


Volunteer litter pickers 16yrs and under must be supervised at all times by an adult litter picker. (Under the Parish Council’s insurance a volunteer under the age of 16 is not covered by the personal accident section of the policy)



Slips, trips, falls and stretching



Volunteers are advised not to step down into drainage ditches.

Assess surface conditions. Appropriate footwear for conditions.

System to record accidents.

Monitor conditions for deterioration.


Weather Conditions


No litter picking is carried out if the weather conditions are dangerous e.g. icy.

Monitor weather conditions through duration of litter pick.



Traffic Accidents - Working near Highway



Volunteers are all mature adults and are aware of the need to exercise road safety.

Litter picking is undertaken in daylight after the morning rush and is mostly on quiet village roads. However, extra care is needed on the B1394.

High visibility jackets could be obtained, but it is unlikely volunteers would wish to wear them.

A mobile phone is available to use in the event of an emergency.

Bags of rubbish are not to be left in close proximity to the highway.



Picking up noxious or harmful material


All volunteers wear suitable gloves.

Litter picking devices are available and use is recommended.

In the event that needles/sharps are found the following to be carried out:

If possible, before the needle/sharp is moved, take a photograph of its location and either

a.   Contact NKDC (01529) 414155 and speak to Jenny Bailey (Direct Dial (01526) 323980 or Nina Camm. Report location (if possible move it to a safe location to prevent children/dogs finding it and cover with upturned bucket). NKDC aim to collect the needle/sharp within an hour. Or

b.   Remove needle/sharp and place in (single use) syringe/needle pick–up kit. Contact Jenny Bailey or Nina Camm to arrange collection of sharps box.

In all cases notify Heidi Ryder NKDC Community Safety Manager re. location of needle/sharp and advise police.



Non disposal of rubbish collection



Rubbish is collected in black bin bags provided by NKDC and disposed of along with the ordinary rubbish. Any problems in respect of rubbish collection to be reported to NKDC (contact Jenny Bailey or Nina Camm).

