December 2020 Minutes

Great Hale Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held remotely on

Monday 7th December 2020 via Zoom Video Call

Present: Chairman Cllr N. Turner, Cllrs J. Cope, A. Broom, N.Dady and M. Barnatt.

In attendance: Clerk K. Sinclair and District Cllrs S Tarry and S Ogden.

Public Forum.

There we no members of the public present.

The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.32pm.


Official Business of the Council

1. To receive apologies and reasons given (20/189)

Apologises and reasons for absence were received from Cllr L Mountain and Cllr S Needham.

It was unanimously resolved to accept the reasons given.

2. Chairman’s welcome and opening remarks (20/190)

The Chairman welcomed all Councillors to the meeting.

3. To approve the draft minutes from the meeting held on Monday 2nd November 2020 (20/191)

It was unanimously resolved that the draft minutes from the previous meeting were a true record and could be approved and signed as minutes.

Action: Chairman to sign the minutes when next possible. Clerk to upload to the website.

4. To receive declarations of interest and to receive written requests for new DPI dispensations (20/192)

Cllrs J Cope, M Barnatt and A Broom all expressed an interest in item 7.2 as there is a payment to be authorised to the Hale Parva Burial Board.

5. To receive reports from any District Councillors, County Councillors or Police in attendance (20/193)

The District Cllrs highlighted the NKDC cycling survey which had be circulated. The deadline for this is the 31st January 2021. It was also noted that the NKDC plan will be out for consultation in the near future.

Cllr Broom asked for clarification of pavement policy due to a lack of any pedestrian way from Barnard Close to the corner of Grove Street. District Cllr S Tarry informed the could that this would be a highways issue but she would see if she can find out any information.

Cllr N Turner raised concerns over the recent redeployment of the local PCSO to Grantham and whether or not one full time and one part time PCSO was adequate to cover such a vast area. However, this would be a question for the County Council.

6. Planning applications

6.1 Application 20/1524/FUL Land to rear of 19A-27 Orchard Close, Great Hale (20/194)   

The Cllrs had a few concerns over the above planning application. There were concerns over potential flooding in that area as surface water often settles in that area and the development would displace this. On the plans, the windows appear to be very close to the neighbouring bungalows. Also, there appears to be some inaccuracies on the justification statement.

These comments will be complied and sent to the planning office. The District Cllrs would also mention these concerns. It was noted that some residents had also emailed the Clerk with their concerns with the planning application and they were asked to sent those concerns directly to the planning office.

District Cllrs S Tarry and S Ogden left the meeting at 7.48pm.

Financial matters

7.1 To approve the bank reconciliation and spend to date (20/195)

It was unanimously resolved to accept bank reconciliation and the spend to date.

Bank Reconciliation: Treasurers Account – 30th November 2020


Balance on 31st October 2020

 £       10,448.31

Total paid in

 £               -

Total paid out

 £            595.62

Balance on 30th November 2020

 £         9,522.69

General Ledger

Balance on 30th November 2020

 £         9,522.69


Account balances       

Treasurers account       £9,522.69

Business account              £250.27

Scottish Widows             £6,212.86

Total                            £15,985.82



7.2 To approve the accounts for payment (20/196)

It was unanimously resolved to approve the accounts for payment.

Action: Clerk to make BACS payments for all outstanding payments.




K Sinclair



Burial Board

Annual Contribution


PKF LittleJohn

External Audit



PAYE Deductions


PJ Gardening Services

Grass Cutting


Payments made since last meeting

K Sinclair

Salary (including overtime)


EE Limited

Phone bill


7.3 To draft the budget for 2021-2022 (20/197)

The 2021-2022 budget was discussed and drafted, ready to be finalised in January 2021.

7.4 To consider a grant application from the Heckington Area Voluntary Car Scheme (20/198)

It was unanimously resolved to award the HAVCS a £250 grant.

Action: Clerk to make BACS payment to the car scheme.

8. Highway matters for discussion

8.1 To receive an update on any outstanding potholes (20/199)

Other than repairs to the pot hole on Heckington Road, no repairs to other pot holes had been noticed.

Action: Clerk to take pictures and report all potholes to Highways again.

8.2 To Discuss Recent Flooding in the Village (20/200)

No update has been received.

Action: Clerk to request an update.

8.3 To receive update on grass cutting in Great Hale (20/201)

There are no more cuts necessary at this time.

8.4 To consider the grass cutting tender received (20/202)

The current contractor contacted the Clerk with a revised tender due to mistakes being made in the original.

It was unanimously resolved to accept this tender for the 2021-2022 grass cutting season.

8.5 To consider the 2021-2022 LCC parish agreement for grass cutting in Great Hale (20/203)

It was unanimously resolved to accept the LCC parish agreement for grass cutting.

8.6 To receive update on discussions with County Councillor Barry Young (20/204)

After sending an extensive list of outstanding highways issues to County Cllr Young, only one item on the list appears to have been resolved. County Cllr Young has offered to have a walk around the village to discuss other outstanding issues but this would not be until after COVID restrictions have been lifted further.

9. Orchard Green

9.1 To receive an update on Orchard Green inspections (20/205)

Cllr N Dady carried out the most recent inspections and reported little to no litter. It was noted that the ground has been wet and muddy due to the recent weather.

Cllr M Barnatt to carry out next inspections.

10. Matters for discussion and resolution

10.1 To receive an update regarding the Great Hale COVID-19 Community Support (20/206)

The support scheme is still in place and awaits further updates and guidance in relation to COVID-19.

10.2 To receive an update on the sycamore trees in the Churchyard (20/207)

A quote for £900+ VAT has been received from a tree surgeon, not only for the sycamore trees but for all necessary work in the Churchyard.

It was unanimously resolved to accept the quote and to have all work carried out at the same time once permission from the diocese had been granted.

Action: Cllr N Turner to assist the Clerk with request to the diocese regarding necessary works in the Churchyard.

10.3 To receive an update on the progress of the new Parish Council website (20/208)

The Clerk has completed an additional 3 hours of work on the website. Bringing the total hours to 28. The remaining 12 will be completed before the next meeting.

It was unanimously resolved to pay the Clerk the 3 hours worked within their December salary.

Action: Clerk to continue to develop the new website.

10.4 To discuss the possibility of a new defibrillator as requested by a member of the public (20/209)

The council discussed the need for a defibrillator in Great Hale again and concluded that the expenditure and need could not be justified as there are defibrillators located inside the village hall and in Heckington. A defibrillator would also need ongoing maintenance as well as a power supply.

Action: Clerk to reply to resident who made the request.

10.5  To discuss the Great Hale newsletter (20/210)

The Great Hale newsletter is potentially continuing with some volunteers coming forward to help. The council has agreed to earmark the £700 received from their planned closure, to give on confirmation that the newsletter will be continuing.

11. Correspondence (20/211)– as per list

Received From


PCSO Nic Woolerton

Update on staffing levels


Planning application

All correspondence was discussed in the meeting.

12. Future agenda items (20/212)

Final Budget for 2021-2022

Cycling consultation

13. Date of next meeting (20/213)

Monday 11 January 2021

The meeting closed at 8.52pm.