July 2020 Minutes

Great Hale Parish Council

Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held remotely on

Monday 6th July 2020 via Zoom Video Call

Present: Chairman Cllr N. Turner, Cllrs M. Barnatt, A. Broom, N.Dady and J. Cope S.Needham and L.Mountain joined the meeting later on.

In attendance: Clerk K. Sinclair, District Cllrs S Tarry and S Ogden.


Public Forum.

There we no members of the public present.

The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.32pm.


Official Business of the Council

1. To Receive Apologies and Reasons Given (20/097)

All present.

2. Chairman’s Welcome and Opening Remarks (20/098)

The Chairman welcomed the Councillors to the second remote meeting.

3. To Approve the Draft Minutes from the Meeting Held on Monday 1st June 2020 (20/099)

It was unanimously resolved that the draft minutes from the previous meeting were a true record and could be approved and signed as minutes.

Action: Chairman to sign the minutes when next possible and Clerk to upload to the website.

4. To Receive Declarations of Interest and To Receive Written Requests for New DPI Dispensations (20/100)

None declared.

5. To Receive Reports from Any District Councillors, County Councillors or Police in Attendance (20/101)

District Cllr S Tarry gave a quick update on the matter raised at last meetings public forum, regarding COVID19 and a resident listed in the at-risk category not being called by NKDC. The letter did not state that NKDC will call the resident, however, NKDC had tried to call but had the wrong contact number for the resident. This has now been rectified and the resident has now been contacted.

Cllr S Needham joined the meeting at 7.35pm

The Chairman proposed that item 10 on the agenda be moved to the next item due to time constraints.

It was unanimously resolved to move item 10 to be discussed next.

10. Financial Matters

10.1     To approve the bank reconciliation and spend to date (20/102)

It was unanimously resolved to accept bank reconciliation and the spend to date.

Bank Reconciliation: Treasurers Account - 30th June 2020


Balance on 31st May 2020

 £       15,639.08

Total paid in

 £                  -  

Total paid out

 £         2,762.30

Balance on 30th June 2020

 £       12,876.78

General Ledger

Balance on 30th June 2020

 £       12,876.78



10.2  To Approve the Accounts for Payment (20/103)

It was unanimously resolved to approve the accounts for payment.

Action: Clerk to make BACS payments to all outstanding payments.




K Sinclair




PAYE Deductions


PJ Gardening Services

Grass Cutting


Payments Made Since Last Meeting


K Sinclair



EE Limited

Phone bill


Came & Co

Insurance renewal


BR Fabrications

New notice board


NBB Recycled Furniture

New bench for Orchard Park



6. Planning Applications (20/104)                                                                    

There were no planning applications at this time.

7. Highway Matters for Discussion

7.1 To receive an update on any outstanding potholes (20/105)

No new potholes had been noticed. The pothole on Grove Street has been repaired. However, all mentioned at a previous meeting were still outstanding.

Action: Clerk to report all potholes to Highways again.

7.2 To Discuss Recent Flooding in the Village (20/106)

The clerk has received correspondence from a resident who has been pursuing this matter as a member of the public, which states that Network Rail are aware of the issue and will investigate in due course. This could take up to 12 months to complete. Therefore, the council decided that there is now no need to contact the Local MP regarding this matter and they would await further updates from Network Rail.

Action: Clerk to write a letter of thanks to the resident for their assistance with this matter.

7.3 To receive update on grass cutting in Great Hale (20/107)

All necessary cuts have been done.

8. Orchard Green

8.1 To Receive an Update on Orchard Green Inspections (20/108)

Cllr S Needham carried out the most recent inspections and reported that there was some strimming required around the play equipment but otherwise clean and tidy. Cllr N Turner to carry out next inspections.

8.2 To Receive an Update on The Development of The Orchard Green Working Party (20/109)

Cllr A Broom has taken delivery of the new picnic bench which will be put into Orchard Green in the next couple of weeks. There is still a minor repair to be carried out to an item of equipment which will be completed by September.

8.3 To Consider a Date for Reopening and/or Officially Opening of Orchard Green Play Area Taking into Consideration the Current Government Guidelines (20/110)

Cllr N Turner circulated potential signs to be displayed and a risk assessment for the Cllrs to consider the reopening of the park following the COVID19 outbreak. All Cllrs agreed that in the current situation, the official opening would not be feasible and it should be discussed again at the next meeting.

It was unanimously resolved to use the documents provided and reopen Orchard Park to the public as of Tuesday 7th July.

Action: Cllr N Turner to display the notice and clerk to update website.

Cllr L Mountain joined the meeting at 7.44pm

9. Matters for Discussion and Resolution

9.1 To Receive an Update on Developing the Community Resilience Plan for Great Hale

The community resilience plan is still ongoing but no further updates at this time.

9.2 To Receive an Update Regarding the Great Hale COVID-19 Community Support and Discuss Whether There is Still a Need for the Support to Continue (20/112)

Although requests for help have slowed right down, the council agreed to continue offering this support and review again at next meeting.

9.3 To discuss quotes for bus shelter timetable display for the new bus shelter (20/103)

The council discussed suitable displays and size requirements.

Action: Clerk to get quotes for next meeting.

9.4 To consider a grants policy and application process (20/104)

It was unanimously resolved to accept the policy and application form.

Action: Clerk to upload to website.

9.5 To receive an update on the sycamore trees in the Churchyard (20/105)

The report received does not appear to contain all necessary details to forward to the diocese. Further reports would need to be obtained.

Action: Clerk to update the resident and obtain more quotes/reports.  

9.6 To discuss speeding along Little Hale Road/Heckington Road (20/106)

No costs or funding opportunities were presented at this time.

Action: Clerk to gather costings and look into potential funding options for next meeting.

9.7 To discuss Hall Farm public footpath and related signs (20/107)

Cllr L Mountain raised concerns over members of the public walking over private land at Hall Farm and the increasing issue of dog fouling in the same area. After discussing the issue, the council signs could be used in the areas concerned to notify public where the public footpath is. No dog fouling signs could also be used in this area.

Action: To determine the best location for signs.

10. Financial Matters

This item was moved to above item 6.

11. Correspondence (20/108)– as per list

Received From





Children playing in Orchard Green

Church Warden

Work in Churchyard


Articles for Heckington Magazine


COVID-19 posters for bus shelter

All correspondence was discussed during the meeting.

Action: Cllr N Turner to display posters in the bus shelter and Clerk to reply to others.

12. Future Agenda Items (20/109)

No other items were raised.

13. Date of Next Meeting (20/110)

Monday 7th September 2020

The Chairman thanked all for attending and closed the meeting at 8.04pm.