September 2020 DRAFT Minutes

Great Hale Parish Council

DRAFT Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held remotely on

Monday 7th September 2020 via Zoom Video Call

Present: Chairman Cllr N. Turner, Cllrs J. Cope, A. Broom, N.Dady, L Mountain and S.Needham. M. Barnatt joined the meeting later on.

In attendance: Clerk K. Sinclair, District Cllrs S Tarry and S Ogden.

Public Forum.

There we no members of the public present.

The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.34pm.


Official Business of the Council

1.    To Receive Apologies and Reasons Given (20/111)

None received.

2.    Chairman’s Welcome and Opening Remarks (20/112)

The Chairman welcomed the Councillors to the meeting.

3.    To Approve the Draft Minutes from the Meeting Held on Monday 6th July 2020 (20/113)

It was unanimously resolved that the draft minutes from the previous meeting were a true record and could be approved and signed as minutes.

Action: Chairman to sign the minutes when next possible. Clerk to upload to the website.

4.    To Receive Declarations of Interest and To Receive Written Requests for New DPI Dispensations (20/114)

None declared.

5.    To Receive Reports from Any District Councillors, County Councillors or Police in Attendance (20/115)

District Cllr S Tarry spoke about the ward boundary review within NKDC and stated that the trial of using purple wheelie bins for paper and cardboard has proved successful and should be rolled out to all of North Kesteven in the Autumn of 2021.

Cllr A Broom asked the District Cllrs for any help or guidance relating to the new council websites. However, they referred the parish council back to LCC who are the hosts for the new website platform. Recent fly-tipping and anti-social behaviour at Orchard Green was also discussed with the District Cllrs who said they would look into these issues and provide any information or guidance where possible.

Cllr M Barnatt joined the meeting at 7.37pm

District Cllrs S Tarry and S Ogden left the meeting at 7.41pm

6.   Planning Applications (20/116)                                                                   

There were no planning applications at this time.

7.   Financial Matters

7.1       To approve the bank reconciliation and spend to date (20/117)

It was unanimously resolved to accept bank reconciliation and the spend to date.

Bank Reconciliation: Treasurers Account – 31st August 2020


Balance on 30th June 2020

 £       12,876.78

Total paid in

 £                  -  

Total paid out

 £          1757.64

Balance on 31st August 2020

 £       11,119.14

General Ledger

Balance on 31st August 2020

 £       11,119.14


7.2       To Approve the Accounts for Payment (20/118)

It was unanimously resolved to approve the accounts for payment.

Action: Clerk to make BACS payments for all outstanding payments.




K Sinclair




PAYE Deductions


Time Assured Ltd

Annual Clock Service


PJ Gardening Services

Grass Cutting


Payments Made Since Last Meeting (These payments are for both July and August)

K Sinclair



EE Limited

Phone bill



Income Tax Deductions


PJ Gardening Services

Grass Cutting


K Sinclair



EE Limited

Phone bill


DisplayPro Ltd

Notice Board Lettering


8.  Highway Matters for Discussion

8.1       To receive an update on any outstanding potholes (20/119)

No repairs to all previous pot holes had been noticed. 

Action: Clerk to report all potholes to Highways again.

8.2       To Discuss Recent Flooding in the Village (20/120)

No further update.

8.3       To receive update on grass cutting in Great Hale (20/121)

All necessary cuts have been carried out with the exception of the verge on Church Street where a fallen tree has blocked access. A resident contacted the Clerk to complain about a verge in the village only being half cut. After talking with the contractor to establish why, reasons for this were given to the resident.

8.4       To receive update on discussions with County Councillor Barry Young (20/122)

The Parish Councillors attended a zoom meeting with the County Councillor on 10th August to discuss the community highways funding and look at potential areas within Great Hale that were in need of repair. Unfortunately, due to technical issues, the meeting ended abruptly. Following the meeting Cllr N Turner had a telephone conversation with County Cllr Young about the scheme and has since compiled a list of the areas he deems in need of repair. Cllr N Turner has also invited County Cllr Young for a walk around of the village to discuss these areas but a date for this has not yet been set.

8.5       To discuss the fallen tree on Church Street (20/123)

The fallen tree has been reported to LCC Highways who have been out to inspect but have yet to remove the tree.

Action: Clerk to contact LCC Highways about the removal of the tree.

9.  Orchard Green

9.1    To Receive an Update on Orchard Green Inspections (20/124)

Cllr N Turner carried out the most recent inspections and reported there was a massive increase in litter over the past couple of months and some vandalism to play equipment and fencing had also been noticed. There have also been several reports from residents regarding anti-social behaviour. The play equipment has now been made safe and repairs to both the equipment and fencing will be carried out in due course. Cllr J Cope to carry out inspections until next meeting.

9.2     To Receive an Update on The Development of The Orchard Green Working Party (20/125)

No updates at this time.

9.3     To Consider a Date for an Official Opening of Orchard Green Play Area Taking into Consideration the Current Government Guidelines (20/126)

Due to the ongoing pandemic, the official reopening will be on hold until further notice.

9.4     To discuss the purchase of a new litter bin for Orchard Green (20/127)

The council believe the increased volume of litter was due to other local play parks remaining closed. Therefore, they do not feel there is a need to purchase a new bin but will continue to monitor litter levels.

10.    Matters for Discussion and Resolution

10.1     To Receive an Update on the Developing the Community Resilience Plan for Great Hale  (20/128)

The community resilience plan is still ongoing but no further updates at this time.

10.2     To Receive an Update Regarding the Great Hale COVID-19 Community Support and Discuss Whether There is Still a Need for the Support to Continue (20/129)

The support scheme is still in place and await further updates and guidance in relation to COVID-19.

10.3     To discuss quotes for bus shelter timetable display for the new bus shelter (20/130)

The Clerk supplied quotes for the purchase of a noticeboard. However, Cllr J Cope has one which can be used and will be fixed inside the bus shelter in due course.

10.4     To receive an update on the sycamore trees in the Churchyard (20/131)

The Clerk was unable to find a tree specialist who was willing to submit a report free of charge and is awaiting quotes for this service.

Action: Clerk to obtain quotes for supply of tree report.  

10.5     To discuss speeding along Little Hale Road/Heckington Road (20/132)

Both the Clerk and Cllr A Broom were unsuccessful in finding any funding opportunities to assist with the purchase of speed reduction equipment and do not have sufficient funds to obtain this equipment in this year’s budget.

10.6     To discuss changes to the Parish Council website (20/133)

LCC who host the current website have upgraded the platform to increase the accessibility and offer this free to all district and parish councils in Lincolnshire. However, all data from the old website has to be moved across by January next year, which will take many hours to complete.

It was unanimously resolved to award the Clerk 40 additional hours to complete the set up of the new website.

Action: Clerk to start the new website and update the HR committee on progress at the next HR meeting.

11.       Correspondence (20/134)– as per list

Received From





Anti-social behaviour in Orchard Green


Concerns over report regarding a former Clerk

Speeding and anti-social behaviour were discussed during the meeting.

The Parish Council are aware of the allegations against one of their former Clerk's and Responsible Financial Officers. Following the resignation of this particular Clerk a complete audit was undertaken with all payments and receipts accounted for, for his entire term in Office with Great Hale Parish Council.

Action: Clerk to reply to the residents listed above.

12.       Future Agenda Items (20/135)

No other items were raised. 

13.       To resolve to move into closed session in accordance with the public bodies (admission to meetings ) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relations to HR matters (20/136)

It was unanimously resolved to refer item to the HR committee who will hold a committee meeting before the next full council meeting.

14.       Date of Next Meeting (20/137) 

Monday 5th October 2020

The meeting closed at 8.06pm.