March DRAFT Minutes
Great Hale Parish Council
Notes taken at Parish Council Meeting held on
Monday, 3rd March 2025 at 7pm at Hale Magna Village Hall
Present: Councillor N Turner (Chairman)
Councillor G Cooke MBE (Vice-Chairman)
Councillor M Barnatt
Councillor A Broom
Councillor J Cope
Councillor N Dady
Councillor L Mountain
Apologies: County Councillor A Key (Lincolnshire County Council)
District Councillor C Collard (North Kesteven District Council)
District Councillor S Tarry (North Kesteven District Council)
In attendance: Mrs Tracy Cooke – (Parish Clerk & RFO)
Public Forum
The Public Forum Opened at 7.00pm
There was 1 member of the public present.
The member of the public wished to express his concerns about the drainage problems on Orchard Close. He has written to Lincolnshire County Council concerning the drains that connect the surface water feeding into the sewage system. Highways said that it was normally Anglian Water’s responsibility but that it could be a joint responsibility. He asked if the Parish Council could discuss this and approach Highways and agencies on his behalf.
He continued to say that he had submitted photographs of the trees that had been trimmed back, on Orchard Close. He was not happy as to how the trees had been cut back. This will be included in April’s Agenda.
Chairman closed the Public open forum at 7.04pm
Chairman opened the Parish Council meeting at 7.04pm
Official Business of the Council
1. Chairman’s Welcome (24/217)
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked everyone for their assistance in compiling the article for the Newsletter.
2. Apologies (24/218)
Apologies were noted from CC Key and D Cllrs Tarry and Collard.
3 Previous meeting held on Monday 6th January 2024 (24/219)
It was unanimously agreed that the draft minutes from the meeting held on 3rd February 2025 were a true record. The Chairman duly signed the minutes.
4 Clerk’s Report (24/220)
Dates for PC meetings put onto website
VE Day research – contact with VH Committee, Church and Clerks
Boston Pumping station research – emails in Clerks group
Email regarding Church Clock
Email to local Clerks regarding planning and projects
5. To receive declarations of interests (24/221)
Cllr Cooke made a declaration of interests on Item 8
6. To receive reports from County and District councillors (24/222)
No County or District Councillors were present at the meeting.
7 Planning Applications (24/223)
(7.1) None received
8 Finance matters
(8.1) To approve the February 2025 bank reconciliation and spend to date. (24/224)
Council approved the February 2025 bank reconciliation and acknowledged the spend to date.
(8.2) To approve accounts for payment (24/225)
It was unanimously resolved to approve all accounts for payment.
9 Highway matters for discussion and resolution
(9.1) Highways – any other issues (24/226)
Orchard Close – A Member of the Public had raised concerns (in the Public Open Forum) with regards to flooding and overloading of the drains and sewage system. The Chairman said that there is a lot of work happening at County level with Anglian Water, the Environment Agency and other agencies and there is the hope that the agencies could work together. Previous damage to Pumps had not been repaired, and indeed, remaining pumps were shut down.
Action: To add to April’s Agenda when everyone has had a chance to read the report
(9.2) Update on Chapel Lane flooding (24/227)
The Chairman stated that he was very pleased to say that Highways had cleared and jetted the gully on Chapel Lane, after a year of requests.
(9.3) Update on Leas Road footpath (24/228)
Despite further letters to Highways, there has been no progress, or indeed, even a viability study as far as we are aware.
10 Orchard Green for discussion and resolution
(10.1) To receive an update on Orchard Green Inspections (24/229)
Cllr Mountain undertook the inspections this month. She said that the grass had been cut this week and looks good. She said that the baby swings really need a good wash. It was suggested by Cllr Broom to pressure wash the swings. Due to the material of the swings it was agreed that pressure washing might break up the swings and it was further suggested to take down the swings and clean them at home or wash / scrub in situ.
Action: Next month’s inspections: Cllr Turner
11 Other matters
(11.1) VE Day (24/230)
The Clerk contacted the Village Hall Committee and the Churchwarden. The Village Hall Committee have decided not to hold any VE Day events. The Church will be marking the event, with more details to follow. The Clerk fed this information back to Clerks across the County.
(11.2) Boston Pumping Station (24/231)
An article had been displayed on the Swaton Facebook page regarding the decommissioning of the Boston Pumping Station. It had been published by LincsOnline. The Clerk circulated this article amongst local Clerks in areas that may have been affected by the closure of the Boston Pumping Station. The Clerk will continue to liaise with the group.
(11.3) Litter – Bedlam Lane (24/232)
There has been a large amount of litter noted in Bedlam Lane. The Chairman wrote an article for the Village newsletter highlighting the issue. Cllr Dady said the field next to Bedlam Lane was also bad.
(11.4) Orchard Close Flooding (24/233)
Discussed in 9.1
(11.5) Chapel Lane Gully (24/234)
Work on the gully was undertaken and completed last week. (Item 9.2)
(11.6) Contact arrangements with the Parish Clerk (24/235)
The Clerk had raised concerns that Members of the Public were knocking on her door and wishing to discuss Parish Council matters. She felt that this was not appropriate as this is a private residence and not an office. Contact with the Parish Clerk is through the Parish Council telephone number 07398 015716 or by email at Parish Council matters at the Clerk’s address is strictly by appointment only.
(11.7) Churchyard trees (24/236)
The Clerk has received authorisation from the Diocese to proceed with work on the Churchyard trees identified in a report by professional tree surgeons.
Action: To contact the Contractor and arrange an appropriate time for the work to commence.
(11.8) New grass cutting maps (24/237)
Lincolnshire County Council have issued new grass cutting maps for Great Hale. Councillors were all given new maps to study.
Action: To contest the cut through from Queens Road to Magna Close and also the area in front of Queen Elizabeth Gardens.
Member of the public left the meeting at 7.36pm
To resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (admission to meetings) Act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation to Digital security.
It was unanimously resolved to move into closed session.
The Chairman closed the Parish Council meeting and opened the closed session at 7.36pm.
(11.9) Electronic Communication outside of meetings (24/238)
Email communications were discussed. It was agreed that all communications should have either “FYI” or “Response” in subject heading so Councillors know if an urgent response is required or not. All correspondence to be to all Councillors, and all replies to All.
The Chairman reminded everyone that if they have any encounters with any member of the Public in which they feel harassed or intimidated, then they should ask the person to desist and make any comments to the Council through the legitimate channels. If they continue then advise the person that if they continue then they will report them to the Police for harassment.
12 Future agenda items (24/239)
(12.1) Asset Register
(12.2) Play park equipment siting
(12.3) Orchard Close trees
(12.4) Churchyard trees
(12.5) Grass cutting maps
(12.6) Orchard Close drainage
14 Date and place of next meeting (24/240)
Monday 7th April 2025 @ 7.00pm in Hale Magna Village Hall.
The Chairman thanked all for attending and closed the Parish Council meeting at 7.57pm