February Minutes
Great Hale Parish Council
Notes taken at Parish Council Meeting held on
Monday, 3rd February 2025 at 7pm at Hale Magna Village Hall
Present: Councillor N Turner (Chairman)
Councillor G Cooke MBE (Vice-Chairman)
Councillor A Broom
Councillor J Cope
Councillor N Dady
Councillor L Mountain
County Councillor A Key (Lincolnshire County Council)
District Councillor C Collard (North Kesteven District Council)
Apologies: District Councillor S Tarry (North Kesteven District Council)
Councillor M Barnatt
In attendance: Mrs Tracy Cooke – (Parish Clerk & RFO)
Public Forum
The Public Forum Opened at 7.00pm
There was 1 member of the public present.
The member of the public wished to discuss the tree that had been pruned on Orchard Close. He said that he was unhappy at the state of the tree and said that it had just been ‘chopped off.’
He continued to ask about the state of drains and flooding on Orchard Close. He addressed his concerns to CC Key.
Chairman closed the Public open forum at 7.02pm
Chairman opened the Parish Council meeting at 7.02pm
Official Business of the Council
1. Chairman’s Welcome (24/192)
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and said that there had been some Parish Council activity, as discussed in the public open forum.
2. Apologies (24/193)
Apologies were received and accepted from Cllr Barnatt.
D Cllr Tarry apologies noted.
3 Previous meeting held on Monday 6th January 2024 (24/194)
It was unanimously agreed that the draft minutes from the meeting held on 6th January 2025 were a true record. The Chairman duly signed the minutes.
4 Clerk’s Report (24/195)
Investigated mole solutions
Letter sent to Highways and County Councillor re Chapel Lane & Leas Road
Budget precept form sent to NKDC
Public Facebook survey for new trim trail
Lottery Funding form completed and submitted
Liaison with Parishioner regarding overhanging tree
Emails to Highways and County Councillor re Orchard Close flooding
Forwarding of emails regarding the Battery Energy Storage System
Ordered supplies for litter pickers
The Clerk added that her Parish Council laptop does not run off the battery and will only run when plugged into the mains. She will investigate a new battery.
5. To receive declarations of interests (24/196)
Cllr Cooke made a declaration of interests on Item 8
6. To receive reports from County and District councillors (24/197)
CC Key said that this would be his last time attending Great Hale Parish Council meetings as a County Councillor.
Local Government reorganisation – He said that the Government is abolishing all 2 tier councils. There is a priority group that will be actioned first but does not think that Lincolnshire will be part of this. He assumes that the May elections will take place. There will be a unitary authority of about half a million people. He thinks Lincolnshire will be in 2 divisions – North and South – with us being in the south. This will all happen in the next few years.
Budget – There has been a consultation on the County Council budget. They anticipate a 2.99% increase, which is a deficit budget, for which they will be using Reserves. Lincolnshire lost a large grant from the Government.
Chapel Lane – There is no further update. He has pressured Highways and will inform the Clerk of any developments.
The Chairman said that it has been a year since the Highways and CC walk round and it is poor that action has not been taken.
There is no update on Leas Road. The Chairman continued to ask if there was an update regarding a feasibility study. CC Key said that there is no update.
Cllr Broom asked about the unity reorganisation decision and whether it will have to go through Parliament. CC Key said that ultimately it will probably be a good idea as it will remove duplication of services. CC Key thinks that there will be a larger number of candidates at the elections.
DC Collard said that they (DC Collard and Tarry) had held a meeting with Planning Officers at NKDC concerning the Beacon Fen Solar Array. Residents and businesses had voiced concerns regarding minimal community consultation and updates. Officers at NKDC had already consulted the Company in December 2024 and it was suggested there had been some improvement on planned cable routes. However, further updates relating to definitive routes which cross Star Fen and Great Hale Fen will be given in March this year (2025).
She continued to say that Lincolnshire and the farmland surrounding Heckington is increasingly under pressure regarding Solar Array proposals. Being a predominantly agricultural area, residents and businesses are concerned. The negative effect this is having on agricultural output, employment and future food security is already being noted locally and nationally. An NKDC (Full Council) meeting in December 2024, made a unanimous decision to write to the Secretary of State for Energy, Security and Net Zero. It was mooted during the debate that the ‘Sequential Test’ used when considering planning applications on land in areas at risk of flooding, should also be applied to ‘Best Grade’ agricultural areas.
Cllr Broom asked about the Gables and the Enforcement Officer regarding the work they were going to do. She said that she would follow this up.
D Cllr Collard left the meeting at 7.21pm
7 Planning Applications (24/198)
(7.1) None received
Notice of the decision by the Secretary of State regarding the Application by Ecotricity (Heck Fen Solar) Limited for an order granting development consent for the Heckington Fen Solar Park (24th January 2024)
Cllr Broom raised the matter of BESS at Little Hale. Great Hale and Heckington Parish Councils have not been consulted. The traffic will affect Great Hale considerably. It was further discussed that a cluster of local parish councils would be beneficial to share planning application details and information.
Action: Clerk to contact Little Hale PC regarding the plans and to make contact with other local Parish Councils.
8 Finance matters
(8.1) To approve the January 2025 bank reconciliation and spend to date. (24/199)
Council approved the January 2025 bank reconciliation and acknowledged the spend to date.
(8.2) To approve accounts for payment (24/200)
It was unanimously resolved to approve all accounts for payment.
9 Highway matters for discussion and resolution
(9.1) Highways – any other issues (24/201)
Following a report by a Parishioner regarding a cherry tree on Orchard Close, the Parish Council sought and obtained authorisation to prune it. There are cables running through the branches. The Parish Council do not want the responsibility for it as it is a Highways responsibility. 2 smaller cherry trees have been trimmed.
Flooding – Residents of Great Hale were lucky not to be flooded internally. S19s are reports when houses are flooded internally.
Black Sluice said that the pumping station at Boston was decommissioned, and this has resulted in the water not being pumped away. Water can only drain away twice a day with the tide.
Speed sign. Cllr Cooke has changed the batteries. No readings are available this month due to the laptop only running from the mains.
(9.2) Update on Chapel Lane flooding (24/202)
CC Key said that this had been chased. The Chairman said there were 3 properties which could not be accessed during the height of the flooding. One of the residents on Chapel Lane has now made a formal complaint. CC Key said that he continues to push and chase regarding this issue.
(9.3) Update on Leas Road footpath (24/203)
CC Key said that he is waiting for responses from Highways but that he would continue to pressure the County Council in his remaining time.
10 Orchard Green for discussion and resolution
(10.1) To receive an update on Orchard Green Inspections (24/204)
Cllr Cope completed the inspections this month. For the last 2 weeks there has been no litter. The grass is growing well.
Cllr Cope continued to say about the Cherry tree work on Orchard Close. He wished to commend the Parishioner and Cllr Broom for their work on the tree. Cllr Broom clarified that it was him that undertook the work with the Parishioner in attendance, who was most useful in overseeing Health and Safety matters.
Action: Next month’s inspections: Cllr Mountain
11 Other matters
(11.1) Great Hale Future Development (24/205)
The recent heavy rains and associated flooding was discussed. Given all the flooding, foul and surface water is at capacity, and future development is unfeasible.
Cllr Broom suggested that we email Planning at NKDC to say that Great Hale is at capacity. Cllr Cope agreed.
It was suggested that when Heckington get planning permission for new residences then this can affect Great Hale.
Action: Email to planning regarding Great Hale. Clerk to contact local Clerks (Heckington, Little Hale, Thorpe Latimer, Swaton and Helpringham)
(11.2) Boston Pumping Station (24/206)
The Boston Pumping Station was decommissioned, and since then flooding has increased in our area. The Clerk has seen a number of other local councils who have said the same thing. She will join the group discussion and feedback any information.
(11.3) Moles in the Churchyard (24/207)
The Clerk has spoken to the Churchwarden and the Vicar. They both agree that they do not want the moles to be killed. The Churchwarden suggested a remedy involving a vinegar solution and an ultra-sonic device was also discussed. No further action is required regarding the moles.
(11.4) Orchard Close Flooding (24/208)
This was discussed previously in Items 6 and 11.1
(11.5) Chapel Lane Gully (24/209)
This was discussed previously in Items 6 and 9.2
(11.6) VE Day (24/210)
The 80th anniversary of VE Day is 8th May 2025.
Discussion took place on how to mark the event. It was decided that it was an event that warranted celebration rather than commemoration and to contact the Village Hall committee regarding a VE celebration.
Action: Clerk to contact Village Hall committee.
Member of the Public left at 7.54pm
(11.7) Play park new equipment siting (24/212)
The Clerk / RFO has completed the forms to apply for Lottery funding for a new trim trail at the Park on Orchard Close. This can take up to 12 weeks to be processed.
(11.8) NKDC Free tree offer (24/213)
The offer was discussed but it was decided not to have any more trees.
(11.9) Dates for 2025 Parish Council meetings (24/214)
3rd March 2025
7th April 2025
12th May 2025
2nd June 2025
7th July 2025
1st September 2025
6th October 2025
3rd November 2025
1st December 2025
Action: Send new dates to Webmaster for website
12 Future agenda items (24/215)
(12.1) VE Day
(12.2) Play park equipment siting
(12.3) Litter – Bedlam Lane
(12.4) Closed session – electronic communication outside of meetings
(12.5) Contact arrangements with the Parish Clerk
(12.6) Churchyard trees
14 Date and place of next meeting (24/216)
Monday 3rd March 2025 @ 7.00pm in Hale Magna Village Hall.
The Chairman thanked all for attending and closed the Parish Council meeting at 8.09pm