January 2025 Minutes

Great Hale Parish Council

Notes taken at Parish Council Meeting held on

Monday, 6th January 2025 at 7pm at Hale Magna Village Hall

Present:        Councillor N Turner    (Chairman)
            Councillor G Cooke MBE (Vice-Chairman)
            Councillor M Barnatt            
Councillor A Broom
Councillor J Cope
Councillor L Mountain
District Councillor C Collard (North Kesteven District Council)
Apologies:        County Councillor A Key (Lincolnshire County Council)

District Councillor S Tarry (North Kesteven District Council)

Councillor N Dady
In attendance:    Mrs Tracy Cooke – (Parish Clerk & RFO)
Public Forum

The Public Forum Opened at 7.00pm

There was 2 members of the public present.

One member of the public wanted to discuss trees on Orchard Close.  He brought photographs of one particular tree showing it overhanging the street and bringing up the pavement. He said that he was willing to trim the tree himself given the correct permission. Whilst in the meeting, Cllr Cooke submitted a Fix my Street request regarding the tree.

Action:   Clerk to write to Highways seeking guidance

Another member of the public said that there was an issue with moles in the Churchyard.

He continued to say that Street lighting was on the Agenda.  He said that if the Parish Council were to go ahead with applying for further lighting then he suggested that we should have a referendum.

His final point was that there has been flooding in Orchard Close. The Member of the public said that he had contacted LCC.  He further contacted Anglian Water who said that the pumping station was at its limits. He said that since the new development on The Gables, Orchard Close continues to be flooded.  

Action:       Liaise with Churchwarden re moles and to add to next month’s agenda
Write to Highways regarding flooding on Orchard Close and to add to next month’s agenda

Chairman closed the Public open forum at 7.09pm

Chairman opened the Parish Council meeting at 7.09pm

Official Business of the Council

1.    Chairman’s Welcome (24/172)  

The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting on this evening, especially with the awful weather.

2.    Apologies (24/173)

Apologies were received and accepted from CC Key, D Cllr Tarry and Cllr Dady.

3    Previous meeting held on Monday 2nd December 2024 (24/174)

It was unanimously agreed that the draft minutes from the meeting held on 2nd December 2024 were a true record. The Chairman duly signed the minutes.

4    Clerk’s Report (24/175)

Took printer to repairers. Purchased new printer
Accepted village hall price
Met with Chairman re Precept
Purchased 1st Aid kit
Contacted CAB refusing grant 
Emails regarding park equipment
Letter of thanks to N & Mr H Needham
Email to Highways re gully
Chase email to Church re tree works

5.    To receive declarations of interests (24/176)
Cllr Cooke made a declaration of interests on Item 8

6.    To receive reports from County and District councillors (24/177)
Agents for the proposed Beacon Fen Energy Park sent an update in December to residents and NKDC Councillors, in those areas locally affected.  The update states that the Development Consent Order (DCO) is being submitted in March 2025, and although residents and businesses have previously engaged in statutory consultation, this is the first feedback since from the company.  It states there is a ‘targeted consultation exercise’ commencing from 16th December 2024 to the 19th January 2025 ‘with small changes planned’ (to access paths / pathways /roads and ‘refined’ cable route corridor).  Residents and businesses need to be made aware of this small window to make any representation.

Contact details: beaconfenenergypark.co.uk or Freepost Beacon Fen Energy Park (No stamp required).  Phone: 0330 057 1943

Cllr Mountain said that they had been in touch with Beacon Fen, knowing the short timescales but they will not reply or acknowledge correspondence. The cabling is due to go down the side of the road down the fen, which will directly impact businesses, residents and essential services.

Cllrs Mountain and Barnatt said this is being rushed through.  DCllr Collard said that she would contact Richard Wright with feelings of Parishioners. 

D Cllr Collard left the meeting at 7.20pm

7    Planning Applications (24/178)

(7.1)     None received

The Clerk reported that Planning had been approved for 1 High Street.

Cllr Broom said that builders for this property were parking too close to the junction.  He would speak to them if it continued.

8    Finance matters 

(8.1)    To approve the December 2024 bank reconciliation and spend to date. (24/179)
Council approved the December 2024 bank reconciliation and acknowledged the spend to date 

(8.2)    To approve accounts for payment (24/180)
It was unanimously resolved to approve all accounts for payment including a printer purchased under Item 4.1 of the Council’s Financial Regulations.

9    Highway matters for discussion and resolution 

(9.1)    Highways – any other issues (24/181)

There has been further flooding on Chapel Lane and there has been no action from Highways.

There has been flooding on Orchard Close.
The drainage ditch along Bedlam Lane was very full.

Action:   Chairman has taken photographs of Chapel Lane flooding.  He will email the Clerk with the photographs to send to Highways. To contact Highways regarding Bedlam Lane.

 (9.2)    Data feedback from speed sign (24/182)

    The sign continues to work effectively, particularly when facing the vehicle.

10    Orchard Green for discussion and resolution

(10.1)    To receive an update on Orchard Green Inspections (24/183)

    Cllr Broom said that all was well with the park.  There was the usual litter around the seating area.  Repairs have not been made as the weather has been too bad.

Action:  Next month’s inspections:  Cllr Cope

11    Other matters 

(11.1)     Budget (24/184)
    The Clerk / RFO had met with the Chair to discuss the budget and put the figures into the precept calculator prior to the meeting.  

    Cllr Turner proposed that the Budget proposal was accepted.  It was seconded and unanimously agreed to accept the Budget outline.

    Action:  Clerk to fill in the Precept form and send to NKDC Finance team.

 (11.2) New park equipment (24/185)

    Jack Hubbard from Finding Fitness visited in November and outlined plans for a new trim trail using Lottery Funding.  It was discussed where to locate the trim trail.  This will be re-visited when funding has been approved.

    Action:  Clerk to Contact Jack to move forward with applying for the Lottery Grant for the trim trail.

(11.3) Village Street Lighting (24/186)

    Email received from Cllr Tarry of 11th December 2024, states that NKDC are not taking on requests for additional lighting.

(11.4) Gully Chapel Lane  (24/187)

    There has been flooding on Chapel Lane.  The gully at the bottom of Chapel Lane remains blocked.
 Action:  Clerk to write to Highways with accompanying photographs

(11.5) Footpath update – Leas Road  (24/188)

    It has been a year since the walk around with the Highways manager and C/Cllr Key and there has been no progress.  Not only is there no pavement, but it is a badly lit area too.

Action:  To contact C/Cllr Key asking for a progress report

(11.6) LALC fees (24/189)

    The new LALC fees have been received for 2025/26.  They are £270 this year and are due to be paid on or before the 1st April 2025.

Action:  Clerk to pay on 1st April 2025

(11.7) New speed sign and fixing plates (24/190)
Cllr Cooke said that he would like to see a further speed sign that can be moved around the village and placed on plates on lamp posts.  The cost of this is £4100.  We have allocated some money for projects into the budget and this can be looked at again.

12    Future agenda items (24/170)
(12.1) Great Hale future development
(12.2) Play park equipment siting
(12.3) Moles in the Churchyard
(12.4) Orchard Close flooding
(12.5) Chapel Lane gully
14    Date and place of next meeting (24/191)

Monday 3rd February 2025 @ 7.00pm in Hale Magna Village Hall.

The Chairman thanked all for attending and closed the Parish Council meeting at 8.12pm