December 2024 DRAFT
Great Hale Parish Council
Notes taken at Parish Council Meeting held on
Monday, 2nd December 2024 at 7pm at Hale Magna Village Hall
Present: Councillor N Turner (Chairman)
Councillor G Cooke MBE (Vice-Chairman)
Councillor M Barnatt
Councillor A Broom
Councillor J Cope
District Councillor C Collard (North Kesteven District Council)
District Councillor S Tarry (North Kesteven District Council)
Apologies Councillor N Dady
Councillor L Mountain
County Councillor A Key (Lincolnshire County Council)
In attendance: Mrs Tracy Cooke – (Parish Clerk & RFO)
Public Forum
The Public Forum Opened at 7.00pm
There was 1 member of the public present.
One member of the public thanked the Clerk for her email regarding the stones on Orchard Close. He wished the Parish Council a Merry Christmas and thanked the Councillors for all that they do.
Chairman closed the Public open forum at 7.00pm
Chairman opened the Parish Council meeting at 7.01pm
Official Business of the Council
1. Chairman’s Welcome (24/149)
The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked everyone who worked on the cherry tree, both Councillors and members of the public. He asked that the Clerk write a letter of thanks to 2 particular members of the public.
2. Apologies (24/150)
Apologies were received from Cllrs Dady and Mountain and CC Key.
3 Previous meeting held on Monday 4th November 2024 (24/151)
It was unanimously agreed that the draft minutes from the meeting held on 4th November 2024 were a true record. The Chairman duly signed the minutes.
4 Clerk’s Report (24/152)
Moved the interactive speed sign with Cllr Cooke
Met with grant funding for park
Ordered park parts
Met with tree contractor to add extra sycamores to quote
Communication with the Village Hall committee
Emailed the Diocese regarding tree works in the Churchyard
Attended tree planting
Ordered litter stickers
Contacted NKDC & LCC regarding street lighting
Contacted PCSO regarding motorbikes
Researched bank fees
5. To receive declarations of interests (24/153)
Cllr Cooke made a declaration of interests on Item 8
6. To receive reports from County and District councillors (24/154)
DC Tarry said that from 15th to 16th December, the Police and Crime Commissioner would be conducting a survey. On the NKDC website there is an item called ‘Trees for communities.’ She continued to say that Emergency planning training is available if we want to change how we do then it’s easier now. There are some questions to be answered and then the report can be done on the Lincolnshire Resilience Forum
Cllr Broom asked about who runs / owns street lights. The answer is both NKDC / LCC. There would need to be a consultation on whether we need more.
Cllr Turner asked about the costs of street lights and how is it worked out. He questioned the tax base. Cllr Collard tried to explain. Cllr Tarry said that she would send on the information from the Finance Manager.
DC Collard said that in May next year (2025) we will be asked to vote for the Mayor. NKDC Councillors recently voted to have representation on the planned Greater Lincolnshire Mayoral Combined Authority. Although Lincolnshire County Council / NE Lincolnshire and N Lincolnshire will lead on the development of the new authority, the 7 District and Borough councils as none constituent members, have been given the opportunity to represent local interests and provide scrutiny during the initial formulation and development of the new Authority. Through Skills / Employment / Infrastructure and Investment the deal will provide £720 million over 30 years to the Greater Lincolnshire Area with £2.2 million already earmarked to support the ‘Sleaford Moor Enterprise’ Business Park.
7 Planning Applications (24/155)
(7.1) Planning Reference: 24/1309/HOUS
Proposal: Removal of conservatory to front of dwelling and a single storey extension to be built in its place, erection of single storey flat roof infill extension to form new porch, single storey parapet roof extension to rear, car port and log store extension joining onto existing garage and addition of solar panels to roof.
Location: 1 High Street Great Hale Sleaford Lincolnshire NG34 9LE
No comments to be made by Parish Councillors regarding the Planning Proposal
D Cllrs Tarry and Collard left the meeting at 7.23pm
8 Finance matters
(8.1) Increase in village hall fees (24/156)
The price had risen from £9 - £18 per session in February with out any apparent notice. Following correspondence with the Village Hall committee, the Parish Council has been offered the use of the lounge for their monthly meetings for £14 per session.
It was proposed, seconded and unanimously agreed to accept new rate.
Action: To reply and accept the new price of £14 for the session
(8.2) To approve the November 2024 bank reconciliation and spend to date. (24/157)
Council approved the November 2024 bank reconciliation and acknowledged the spend to date.
(8.3) To approve accounts for payment (24/158)
It was unanimously resolved to approve all accounts for payment.
(9) Highway matters for discussion and resolution
(9.1) Highways – any other issues (24/159)
Cllr Turner stated that the gully on Chapel Lane still has not been done.
A resident has raised the issue of the corner of Leas Road / Grove Street with it being dark (both night dark and the absence of a street light) and having no pavement. This is dangerous and an accident waiting to happen.
Cllr Cooke said that he would chase the Fix my Street on the stones on Orchard Close.
(9.2) Data feedback from speed sign on Little Hale Road (24/160)
Cllr Cooke reported that the readings from the speed sign on stealth mode shows that the sign is doing a good job. There is a significant increase in speeding with the sign in stealth mode. Drivers think that the sign is not recording, but it is in fact, recording in both directions.
Action: Cllr Cooke to send the stealth Statistics to the Road Safety Partnership.
10 Orchard Green for discussion and resolution
10.1 To receive an update on Orchard Green Inspections (24/161)
Cllr Barnatt said that there was a little litter is and the park is looking good. He mended the wire fence at the back of the park with Cllr Broom’s help.
He said that the park goal posts have been tie wrapped but that they need spot welding.
The Clerk had ordered 2 ‘litter’ stickers for the park, which Cllr Broom will put up before the next meeting.
Action: Next month’s inspections: Cllr Broom
11 Other matters
(11.1) Budget (24/162)
The Clerk / RFO had met with the Chair to discuss the budget prior to the meeting. All Councillors had a copy of the Draft Budget and each line was discussed and amended / agreed upon accordingly. Most items on the budget have increased because of external influences. NKDC will be sending the Precept calculator shortly.
Action: Clerk / RFO to input the figures into the NKDC precept calculator and calculate the percentage increase in precept request. To add to January’s Agenda.
(11.2) First Aid and PPE (24/163)
The Clerk raised the issue of wearing PPE and carrying a first aid kit when working parties undertake tasks in the village. The Clerk was keen to emphasise that it was for the protection and the safety of the Councillors giving their time. Hard hats, protective glasses and Hi-Vis vests were proposed and to be worn where appropriate.
Action: Clerk to purchase a 1st Aid kit
(11.3) Village Street Lighting (24/164)
This had been discussed at Item 6.
(11.4) Replacement park parts (24/165)
The replacement park parts have arrived from Kompan. Cllr Broom has them and will organise a small working party shortly to fit them shortly.
Action: To re-send Wicksteed report to Cllr Broom
(11.5) Gully - Chapel Lane (24/166)
This has still not been done. Letter from Highways dated 13th Nov 2024 was discussed. There may be confusion as to which gully they are referring to.
Action: Reply to Highways to clarify which gully on Chapel Lane we mean.
(11.6) Footpath update Leas Road (24/167)
Nothing to report.
(11.7) Request from CAB for a Grant (24/168)
CAB had written to the Clerk requesting a grant from the Parish Council. As the CAB receive partial funding from the Government, the Parish Council are unable to send funding
Action: To reply to CAB rejecting their request.
It was Proposed, Seconded and unanimously resolved to move into closed session.
The Chairman closed the meeting and opened the closed session at 8.28pm.
(11.8) Clerk / RFO NALC Annual Pay Rise (24/169)
NALC have released the revised pay scales. The Clerk’s salary pay rise was discussed in line with the NALC pay increase.
It was Proposed, Seconded and unanimously agreed to implement the NALC pay increase for the Clerk / RFO from December 2024 and to backdate it to April 2024, in line with NALC recommendations.
12 Future agenda items (24/170)
(12.1) Budget
(12.2) Street Lighting
(12.3) New play park equipment
14 Date and place of next meeting (24/171)
Monday 6th January 2025 @ 7.00pm in Hale Magna Village Hall.
The Chairman thanked all for attending and closed the Parish Council meeting at 8.38pm