A summary of the Parish Councils' work over the past few months ....

As many of you will have seen we now have an interactive speed sign. The Parish Council are thankful to the hard work of Councillor Cooke and trawling through all the specifications of the various options available, and to Graeme Butler LLC Road Safety Manager for all his support and advice during the process. 

The sign is a smart piece of kit which can detect the speed of vehicles going either towards it or away from it and time of day, as well as vehicle numbers which is giving us a lot of useful data. Early information shows that the majority of vehicles are travelling at or below the speed limit 90% and that a few speeding in both directions along Little Hale Road in roughly equal numbers. It can also operate in different modes including stealth mode which makes it look like that it’s not working but is collecting data. We will be rotating it so that it faces different directions which will allow us to both monitor the situation and analyse its effectiveness when it is turned to face the other direction.

Over the past year the Parish Council did some tidying up of the Church Yard with the help of some Parishioners, and volunteers are always welcome to come along and help.

We have also supported other organisations in making grants to the Defibrillator fund giving an initial grant of £250.  £125 to be released immediately, with a further £125 to be released when further pads are required. 

A grant application was successfully made to NKDC for a grant to pay for equipment which the litter pickers use. Anyone who would like to join the group of litter pickers please contact the Parish Clerk and she will put you in touch with the group.

An additional dog poo bin has been purchased for the Hall Road / Leas Road junction which is well used. We urge all dog owners to bag up any dog poo that your dog does in or around the village and use the bins provided to dispose of it. No one wants to tread in dog poo.

The Council refurbished the bench on the corner of High and Church Street, as well as having a new bench installed at the other end of Church Street on Hale Road. 

Work has continued on the play park in Orchard Close with the spinney area now been cleared ready to form a Memorial Garden which will provide a space for people to sit and relax in.

Our website has been updated to make it easier to find the Parish Clark and Councillors contact details via “Your Parish Council” tab on the website. If you have any issues that you think that we should be aware of or could help with, please feel free to contact us. Parishioners are always welcome to attend the Parish Council meetings.

Published: Sunday, 12th February 2023